Dollars & Sense: Estate Planning Wisdom from Warren Buffett

Dr. Harold Wong Just before Thanksgiving in 2024, legendary investor Warren Buffett, worth $147.5 billion, offered a deeply personal letter. He talks about crucial principles for the successful transfer of assets to the next generation and ways to preserve family harmony. The vast majority of folks will not have even 1/100th of one percent of…

Planting for Those Who Follow

Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. In ancient writings we are taught that a person will be called to account on Judgment Day for every permissible thing that he might have enjoyed but did not. Not for sins or destructive attitudes or not following God’s commandments, but for not enjoying life as it was intended. Think about…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook Houzz is a comprehensive online platform of resources to assist with home remodeling projects. The majority of users gather photos into idea books for the results they want so they can personalize their home. Houzz annually surveys homeowners who are in the process of remodeling to ascertain trends. These are some of the…


Bruce McCorkle Ironwood Cup After three grueling rounds, Joe Rizzi squeaked out a win by one stroke! Congratulations, Joe! The first-place winners in other flights were John Vigen, Bob Olson, Thomas Ahart, Rodger Brandt, and William McConnell. Board Opening—Publicity Please contact Rich Popham or another board member if you are interested in assuming the role…

2025 Ladies Billiards Started Off with a Bang

Dannette Hunnel The first gathering of the 2025 Cottonwood Ladies Billiards group on Jan. 11, a brisk Saturday morning, was fun and well attended. Gals from Cottonwood Palo Verde met in Room A-5 at 9:30 a.m. to play rounds of 8-ball while catching up after the holidays. We are “chicks with sticks” who aim to…

Two Notable Valley Charities Benefit from CTC Generosity

Dannette Hunnel The premier tournament of the Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC), the Bradshaw/Neu Tournament, took place Dec. 1 through Dec. 7, 2024. This charity tournament, CTC’s largest attended event of the year, was made possible by these generous sponsors located in the Sun Lakes area: The Battery Doctor, Big Two Toyota, Blue Group, Canine Creek,…