OLNGA news

  Molly Bergesen We had our final luncheon of the 2017-2018 season on April 17. Golf that day was 3-3-3, in which we recorded our scores three different ways, which proved to be a lot of laughs! We had 35 ladies playing the Sonoran course and we all thought this new “game” was a lot…

Poker players wanted

  Tom Rhea Seeking poker players for friendly dealer’s choice high and low poker game with no wild cards. Betting 10 cents, 20 cents a pair or last card. Three-raise max per betting round. Play Monday and Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Cottonwood A-3 Card Room. Call Tom at FurnServe, 480-883-8811.

Aero Club gathering hears from retired Navy pilot

  Gary Vacin A retired U.S. Navy pilot reviewed his 30-year career as a carrier-based fighter pilot during a presentation to the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering April 18. Capt. Lonny McClung told his audience that prior to his first combat mission over North Vietnam, he was absolutely terrified. “Many of my contemporaries didn’t come…

Farmers edge A-1 Golfers for tourney title

  Larry Wolfe In the opening game of the Lakes Division Spring Tournament, the Farmers Insurance squad, managed by Tom Erpelding and sponsored by Frank Margiotta’s Agency, eked out a 14-12 win over A-1 Golf Carts. A-1, the number three seed, was managed by Randy Rothenbuehler. Dan Bradfield and Bill Stanick paced the number two-seeded…

Golden Goalies – now she’s a keeper

  Bea Loozer Our member Judi Brown reached her goal weight in May and is now a keeper. (Applaud) It takes work to become a keeper, as all Goalies would agree. And most would agree it takes some work to maintain that status. After all, it’s easy to put pounds back on whether you’re in…