A Musical Journey to Australia at the Ed Robson Library

  Patty Dennehy Join us on Saturday, June 23, at 1:00 p.m. for Music & More from the Land Down Under! Travel on a musical journey to Australia and beyond as the performer plays an assortment of didgeridoos and percussion instruments mixed with colorful stories and humor. The performers play a modern style, mixing fast-paced…

Faith on vacation

  Jean Newell, Associate Pastor at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Have Keurig will travel! It all began when my sister and brother-in-law were going to spend time at their timeshare for vacation. She asked me if I would be willing to Bea-sit while they were gone; it could be like a stay-cation for me…

Why are we here?

  Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. Certain times in our lives we gather in the church or synagogue, not because we have all of a sudden received an epiphany, but rather because we have been groomed to understand the awesomeness of the connection that is offered by the experience. The prayers we say are designed to…

John of God Crystalline Light Bed in Sun Lakes

  Rev. Debbi Brown On June 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., you can experience a crystalline light bath with a John of God light bed. If you haven’t heard about this remarkable healer from Brazil, then please visit his website, http://johnofgod.com/. João de Deus is a humble man who is very clear about…

CMGA news

  Rick Nelson Results of recent events: Home and Home with Oakwood, April 12 and 14, 2018 Cottonwood won with 66-1/2 points. Cottonwood Palo Verde Ryder Cup, April 21 and 22, 2018 Cottonwood won 85 to 71 points. Home and Home with Ironwood, April 24 and 28, 2018 First: Daryl Ramseyer/Larry Guild Second: Jim Grube/John…

Is is a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Duane!

  Mary Dyrseth The old Marine in the family told me a long time ago nothing comes out of the sky except bird poop and paratroopers. Now we can add to that list Duane Coking who celebrated his and MJ’s induction to the board of the couples league by doing a parachute jump in Eloy.…