Rev. Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church Valentine’s Day is going to be a bit different this year. February 14, 2018, is not only Valentine’s Day, but also on the Christian Church calendar, it is Ash Wednesday! Valentine’s Day is typically a day when you tell the special people in your life how much…
Religion, February 2018
A very different Valentine’s Day event
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Bridge Results
Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge 12/18. 1st Fae and Joe Rosen, 2nd Barb Moul and Lori Scharbach, 3rd Nancy Smith and Dan Rosler; Slam: None 01/01. 1st Jerry and Donna Smith, 2nd Lori Scharbach and Jeanette Newman, 3rd Nancy Smith and Dan Rosler; Slam: Jerry and Donna Smith (2 Slams) 01/08. 1st Eleanor and…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Young Voices from the “Old Country”
Ellie Watland The Scandinavian Club of the S.E. Valley invites you to attend its February 18 gathering at the Sun Lakes Clubhouse. The evening’s program will be presented by area A.F.S. (American Field Service) students from Scandinavia. For over 70 years, A.F.S. has provided intercultural educational experiences, often to students who spend a school year…
Features, February 2018
News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc.
Eric Ehst, Executive Director, Neighbors Who Care How important is your access to medical care? How would you cope if you were unable to drive and needed to get to the doctor? In 2017, Neighbors Who Care volunteers transported 400 of your homebound friends, family and neighbors to 4,800 medical appointments. Although some trips were…
Generals, February 2018
Indoor walking track
Carmela Hopkins Health and Safety: 1. Its level, nonslip walking surface helps prevent trips/stumbles. 2. Its cushioned surface is easy on joints and easy on falls. 3. It is out of the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. 4. It is out of traffic. 5. It is in a safe, controlled-access area. 6. Its temperature…
Religion, February 2018
A project for Lent
Chuck Reinhart The Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14, 2018. The members of the Sun Lakes United Church of Christ will be collecting items each Sunday during Lent to distribute to the less fortunate. We are asking for donations of items that cannot be bought with money from government subsidies. Instead…