Zumba with Mary

  Mary Tyree Happy Easter, everyone. April is a beautiful time of year in the Valley. I know many of you are getting ready to leave for the summer, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of my Zumba® Fitness program for the past six years here in…

Tis the season

  Judith Kuse Spring has sprung here in Arizona, and summer is fast approaching. It’s rattlesnake season. Hikers, be on the lookout. Snakes are out of their winter haunts enjoying the sun’s warmth. As you hike during the next months, keep this information in mind. Thirteen species of rattlesnakes reside in Arizona. Rattlesnakes are identified…

Lucky Sandbagger Casino hosts annual couples social

  Sandy Krediet On March 9, the Oakwood 9 Hole Couple’s League participated in their annual social. We had our largest turnout ever with 45 couples enjoying a Shambles format golf game on the Lakes course. The competition became even more challenging, thanks to Judy Thompson, Barbara Frank and Lloyd Schaeffer. Each couple had the…

Sun Lakes Posse Needs Your Help

We are in danger of losing the recycling service the Sun Lakes Posse provides for area residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is a tremendous service for area residents, and it keeps a great deal of material out of the landfill. The company that provides this service for us recycles only…

An Indestructible life

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes After Jesus died, he was buried in a tomb with a big stone rolled up against it. A short time later, the religious leaders came to the Roman governor Pilate and asked for permission to seal the stone and guard the tomb. They expressed concern…