OLNGA Member/Guest results

  Molly Bergesen We played a “low net” on the Sonoran course on February 6. Winners in Flight #1 were Joyce Parker and Ann Carlson in first, Phyllis Madison in second and in third was Pat Stead. Flight #2 saw Karen Gonzales in first, Suevonne Negaard and Reggie Wegman in second and third place was…

Pitch and Putt League results

  Arlene Fletcher The February 15 Pitch and Putt was canceled because of rain. We had sunshine (although it was a bit cool) for the February 22 Pitch and Putt. The winning team, with a score of 22, was Jo Solie, Madonna Aubrey, Mary Ann Kehrberg and Elayne Hested. Second place team, with a score…

Lifelong Learning program hosts two book clubs

  Catherine Hammond New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong-learning program, offers two monthly book clubs with different approaches. These classes are each set up as roundtable discussions with 20 or 25 members so that the discussion setting can be comfortable, yet intimate. New members are always welcome. The books selected are available either from the…

Sun Lakes Chorale closes the book on another great season

  Jan Ott What was the appeal of the chorale’s recent Spring Concert? An exciting program, richly filled with Broadway favorites, the anticipation of hearing a concert choir accompanied by fine musicians, the heart and talents of a popular director… how can a person not be grateful they were in the audience? Even the ladies…