OLGA golf news

  Carol Smith It has been an exciting start to 2018. First, we had the State Medallion tournament here at Oakwood. Dari Atkins and E.J. Yoon made us proud by both coming in second – a great accomplishment. We completed the OLGA Cup Championship after three weeks of competitive play. The winners of each flight…

Other Card Results

  Tuesday Cribbage 1/02. 1st Lydia Kolsch 12-89, 2nd Bill Bade 10-39, 3rd Vonnie Ticknor 8-50, Low Barb Bade 3- -43 1/09. 1st Richard Lewin 10-21, 2nd Milt Knudson 10-7, 3rd Stan Wengrzyn 9-56, Low Rudy Gerstner 2- -70 1/16. 1st Madelyn Toews 15-146, 2nd Stan Wengrzyn 13-156, 3rd Neil Olin 12-95, Low Dan Flicker…

Sisterhood meeting notice

  Esther Spear The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood’s annual Card Party fundraiser was a huge success. Almost 200 people played their favorite games, including mah jongg, bridge, canasta and Scrabble. The buffet lunch was delicious, the bake sale sold out and more than 50 people won beautiful gift baskets and restaurant gift certificates. The…

Mosaic class in Oakwood

  Janet Hayes and Sandy Holmes The class will be taught by David Jarvinen. David is a mosaic artist and teacher. He teaches mosaic art in fun and engaging environments, focusing on technique and project-based classes geared to all levels of crafters. Garden Tower – Mixed Media Wednesdays, March 28 and April 4: Two sessions…

The Spirit of Don Nue remains in Sun Lakes

  Bob Hirt Don Neu, a kid from Idaho Falls, Idaho, made up for lost time when his family moved their dairy farm operation to Lodi, California. One of seven children, Don probably had no idea he was a natural athlete until he started university at Cal Tech, Berkeley. As a high school sophomore, he…