Halloween Dance planned

Dance the night away in your favorite costume (costumes are optional) at the Halloween Dance on Tuesday, October 31, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Sun Lakes Golf Pro Shop Lounge (Mulligans) located at 25425 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. There will be a costume contest; no cover charge.

Healing with Essential Oils

The next oil sharing will be on October 4, the first Wednesday, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. We will be making a blend for pain especially for those who suffer from arthritic pain. We made this earlier in the year, and if you still have the vial, you can do a refill for $10.00 or you can…

The Crystal Card Project announces sales event for fall

Diana Berry, Charlene Petragallo and Kathy Skrei display fall cards.

Bobbie Reed Looking for unique greeting cards? Want to support a good cause? Attend one of the following events to buy Crystal Cards. The cards are recreated from donated cards and sold for $1.00 each. All the money collected goes to charity, supporting My Sister’s Place, a Chandler shelter for those escaping from domestic violence.…

LifeLong Learning – become a presenter

Bill Gates is a frequent presenter for New Adventures in Learning.

Catherine Hammond New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong learning program, is always looking for new presenters. Classes are presented by volunteers who are members of the group or are from the community at large. Presenters may be retired experts in the field or others who have an interest in their topic. Some presenters have a…

Diana’s back!

Lisa Wall Welcome back to the fall festivities, snowbirds and permanent residents. It is time for fun again, so you won’t want to miss the musical events performed by Diana Perez, our own resident here in Sun Lakes. She will be performing regularly on the patio in Sun Lakes 1 and has been invited to…