Getting ready for Passover?

Barbara Schwartz Everyone is invited to the Second Seder on April 4 at Chompie’s at 3481 W. Frye Rd., Chandler, AZ. The meal will be Chompie’s special Seder meal which will be served family style and you pay for your own. The menu is as follows: Gefilte fish with beet horseradish, chicken soup with matzo…

An evening at Tiffany’s

Not allowing the ladies all the limelight at the February Cotillion, these gentlemen in red stole the show!

What do you get when you combine a classic old movie with a well known business known for its classic jewels? The Cotillion Dance Club’s April event, Dinner and Dancing at Tiffany’s! The Ballroom was appropriately decorated in Tiffany blue and white with candles, jewels and gift boxes. The dance, held on March 14, was…

Chandler mayor joins AAUW to celebrate Equal Pay Day

Mayor Jay Tibshraeny proclaims Equal Pay for Women Day in Chandler stating, “The City of Chandler appreciates the efforts of both the American Association of University Women and Soroptimist International for helping women in the Chandler area through their many resources and service activities. The City of Chandler joins these groups in their efforts to…

Sun Lakes Lions Club gains new members

Pictured left to right are Lion Elaine Hair, sponsor of Linda Reecer and John Seigla

Forrest Cheuvront At their 30th Charter Night Celebration on February 19, two new members were added to the club membership. Linda Reecer and John Seigla were inducted into the Lions Club by Past International Director Lion Dick Sawyer of Overgaard, AZ, the guest speaker for the evening. These new Lions are now members of the…

Appreciate Jazz in April

Helen Daley “I can only hope that one day America will recognize that our indigenous music — jazz — is the heart and soul of all popular music, and that we cannot afford to let its legacy slip into obscurity.” — Quincy Jones April was chosen by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History…