Helpful tips

R Buchanan The phone rings. A polite man wants to discuss a charity that needs your help (money). The doorbell rings. At the door is a nicely dressed woman who hands you a brochure and starts talking about a charity. You receive a well produced document in the mail promoting a charity that really helps…

IWLN out and about

Lady Niners Linda Breitbach, Marcia Gaudioso, Ann Gavin, Barb Pezzute, Leta Polson, Judy Thompson and Catherine Tinerino-Moore at Shalimar

Nancy Davis, Publicity On March 6 Linda Breitbach, Marcia Gaudioso, Ann Gavin, Barb Pezzute, Leta Polson, Judy Thompson and Catherine Tinerino-Moore participated in the Shalimar 9-Hers Mardi Gras Invitational Tournament. Ann Gavin’s team took second place in the tournament and Barb Pezzute won a door prize which was a complementary foursome of golf at the…

Restless Minds topic: Is there a war on science?

Bill Gates Has America become an anti-science society? Has data become irrelevant in decision-making? Why are so many people willing to reject evidence when developing public policy? The Restless Minds discussion group will explore these and related questions at its April meeting. The group will meet from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14 in the…

Spring Bonus: Listening to the Chorale

Jan Ott Once again singing from the heart, the Chorale was eager to please its Spring Concert audience. Performing at the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on Thursday evening, March 19, the group presented something for many different tastes as familiar songs often claimed their fame from a familiar movie or theatre production. The audience…

SLCCPC holds second monthly social

Competitive Division

The Sun Lakes Country Club Pickleball Club (SLCCPC) held their second monthly social (One Fun Club) on February 22. There were two divisions; a competitive division and a fun social division. Medals were given to the winners in the competitive division and fun gifts given to the social division. Winners in the Competitive group: bronze…

Cottonwood Lady Niners picnic on the patio

A Picnic on the Patio was enjoyed by Cottonwood’s Lady Niners prior to golf action February 12. Chairing the Valentine themed luncheon was Pat Kivi, right, assisted by Kathie Gates.

Lila Ritchie Highlighting February’s golf action was a two-day eclectic tournament, a Picnic on the Patio and the election of Bette Lu Buchanan as president of the Cottonwood Lady Niners. Buchanan assumes the role six months ahead of schedule with Marilyn Jasper resigning due to family obligations. Vice President Karen Kishpaugh has been acting president…