Free Lunch and Learn seminar on hearing aids

Tina Jessee, Au.D. and Tanya Karg, Au.D. will conduct a public seminar on March 18 from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. to help those with hearing loss and their loved ones to understand the misconceptions surrounding hearing loss and the latest in hearing aid technology. Hearing aids will not be sold during the seminar as the Lunch…

Meditation classes available

Meditation quiets the mind, body and soul. When one sits quietly and settles down the mind, the body follows. If the body is too rattled and uneasy it is hard to settle the mind. Therefore, gentle exercises are done at the beginning to help the body get relaxed. You will feel your muscles relaxing after…

Other Card Results – March 2015

Pictured front row (left to right) are Karen Ryan, Carol Kirsch, Sandy Bealmear and Sharon Barnes; second row are Judy Preis, Lois Hauge, Toni Kopaz, Anna Cody and Kathi Bobek; third row are Meredith Thompson, Virginia Woodbeck, Janet Rogers, Pat Goldberg, Ellen Hellman and Carolyn Rogers

Lady Joker’s Hand and Foot Group Susan Gottschalk The Lady Joker’s Wild Hand and Foot card group, which meets on Thursday afternoons in the Bradford Room of the Oakwood Clubhouse, gathered recently for their fourth annual “after the holidays hors d’oeuvre party” at the home of Judy Preis. Tuesday Cribbage 1/06. 1st Milt Knutson 12-62,…

AAUW to meet March 16

AAUW speaker, Tim Rice

Dr. Timothy Rice, Professor of Ethnomusicology at UCLA, specializing in the music of the Balkans, will speak at the March 16 American Association of University Women meeting at the Oakwood Country Club. Dr. Rice will take his listeners on a “Magical Mystery Tour of the World’s Music.” He will explain the many ways humans use…

Restless Minds topic: should constitution be changed?

Americans revere our Constitution. And why not? It has served well as foundation for the world’s most stable government for 227 years and counting. But does the Constitution meet current-day needs or should it be updated? The Restless Minds discussion group will examine the Constitution during its March meeting. The group will meet from 7:00-9:00…