New Tai Chi classes

Take a Tai Chi or QiGong class with Kim!

Kim Kubsch Free flowing Chi in the body is one sign of health and well-being. At my new easy and gentle Tai Chi-QiGong class, you too can create powerful tools for health and happiness. All ages and abilities are welcome and chairs are offered for those who prefer to enjoy this moving meditation while seated.…

News From Your Neighbors Who Care – March 2015

How to survive after the hospital Eric Ehst, Executive Director Imagine a loved one sent home from the hospital after surgery, weakened and confused, with no one there to help. She forgets to take her meds. She misses post-op appointments due to lack of transportation. She doesn’t get proper nutrition. And, like over 15 percent…

Golden Goalies show up

Bea Loozer Remember that line that says “showing up is half the battle?” I heard Marilyn and a few others say recently that they come to Golden Goalies meetings because that’s something they do for themselves. They show up at the meeting and while there they learn weight loss tips, weigh in to find out…

January Rotarian of the Month

Rotarian of the Month Wade Wampler

Colette McNally Wade Wampler joined Sun Lakes Rotary in 2005 and since then he has dedicated himself to supporting the various programs and service activities performed by the club members. One of the ones he is most dedicated to is the delivery of the Splash which he has done without fail for a number of years.…

Next SLFD Flash Drive Open Assistance Day – March 28

Sun Lakes Fire Department Emergency Medical Services Coordinator Chris Barden demonstrates how the flash drive inserts into the electronic patient care report tablet that is carried by SLFD paramedics on calls. (Photo and article by Brian Curry)

Brian Curry With over 700 sold in the Sun Lakes area in just a few short months, the Flash Drive Initiative is an overwhelming success led by the Sun Lakes Fire Department’s Community Assistance Program volunteers and their outreach into the community. The flash drive, which stores your medical information so that SLFD paramedics can…

Healthy Food Bingo

Join us for Healthy Food Bingo on Tuesday, March 31 at 9:00 a.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes Educational Building, Classroom 4, presented by Theresa Weeding, Community Outreach representative from Independence at Home, a division of SCAN Health Plan. Come and play Healthy Food Bingo, a fun interactive…