Dollars & Sense – March 2015

Editor’s Note: “Dollars and Sense” is a new column in the Sun Lakes Splash dedicated to financial issues. This column is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject of personal finances, such as that which you’d find from Stocktrades dividend stocks. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss of profit…

Veterans reunion at SLUMC

Ten-Hut! There will be a Veteran’s Reunion on Sunday afternoon, March 22, at 1400 hours (that’s 2:00 p.m. to civilians). The program of military history, patriotic music and heartfelt recognition of our nation’s heroes will be held in the Sanctuary at the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. There will be no admission charge and all…

Last chance for High Tea Fashion Show tickets

Barbara Schwartz Now is your last chance to get tickets for our High Tea and Fashions Show on March 1 at the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 Sun Lakes Blvd. in the Arizona Room at 3:30 p.m.! (Go west on Riggs Road, turn left on Sun Lakes Blvd.). Incredible fashions by Draper’s and Damon’s; delicious…

Sunday night couples dance – March 2015

Andy Zommers and Helen Skrla

Paula Cunkelman It’s March, a time to welcome spring and to also celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Our dance is only two days before St. Patrick’s Day, so put on some “Irish Green” and come dance. This month we will be dancing to the sounds of Lenny Zazick. The dancing will start at our new time,…

Meet the Chordaires mother/daughter team

Chordaires mother/daughter team Jean Ahnmark and Nancy Roberts

Patrice Reis “As a child I didn’t have the nerve to sing in public,” divulges Chordaire Nancy Roberts, daughter of fellow Chordaire Jean Ahnmark, “I was terrified I would be mortified.” But she always wanted to sing in a group and realized that dream in 2012 when she retired and moved from Findlay, Ohio to…

Sun Lakes Country Club to  host Shred Day

Date: Wednesday, March 18 Time: 10:00 a.m. -noon Location: West parking lot of Sun Lakes HOA1 Cost: $5 per box, three box maximum per person; cash only If you have boxes of documents piled up that need to be shredded, this event is for you! Iron Mountain Shredding will be on site to shred your…