Men’s Club news

The Men’s Club toured the Hall of Flame Fire Museum and National Firefighting Hall of Heroes on January 21.

The Men’s Club started 2015 with three planned monthly meetings with doctors. In January we had Dr Paul Petelin, Jr., an ophthalmologist in Sun Lakes Center for Sight. As an eye doctor, he diagnoses and treats diseases, injuries, or trauma of the eye such as glaucoma or cataracts. In February we had Dr. Mathew Karlovsky…

Word of the Month – March 2015

David Zapatka Reader and fellow Pickleball player Connie Wilkinson brought up an interesting topic. There are so many words with the prefix “dis” that are not words when dis is removed or are they words? How about disgruntled, dismayed, disturbed distilled, discombobulated, disrupted and distinguished? Connie asks, “Did you ever hear of anyone being gruntled,…

Helpful tips

R. Buchanan A neighbor recently came down with shingles and we are not talking about those things a builder puts on your roof. We are talking about a medical condition that the Mayo Clinic calls, “a viral infection that causes a painful rash.” The people I know who have had shingles use several adjectives in…

Low Vision Support Group – March 2015

The Sun Lakes Low vision Support Group will meet next on Wednesday, March 11 at 9:00 a.m. in the Card Room at the Renaissance Bldg. Program Director Linda Horton will preside. All are invited to participate at no cost. Visitors are welcome. Additional information can be garnered by calling Rev. Alexander Meek at 480- 895-8540.