Ferris wins Pool tournament

Gary Vacin Rod Thompson repeated as Lucky Shot Pool Club 9-Ball Pocket 1 winner and Tom Ferris won all five matches en route to winning the 8-Ball Pocket 1 tournament in winter tournament play. Thompson will play Ed Allen, 9-Ball Pocket 2 winner and Ferris will face Roy Partridge, 8-Ball Pocket 2 winner in playoffs…

Shalom Chapter of Hadassah

Doris Codkind, Publicity Our February 17 meeting was a huge success due to our speaker, Tresha Baldwin. Tresha is a physical therapist and owner of 360 Physical Therapy and Aquatic Rehabilitation with several locations in the Valley. Her topic, Aging Gracefully and Strong, hit a high note among the large gathering of women. Hopefully, we…

Bridge Results – March 2015

The Roadrunner Bridge Tournament planning committee pictured left to right: Eileen Utter, Eileen Friend, Jim Horton, Chairperson Kitty Larson, Bonnie Butler, Lindsay Cantoni and Sherri Holliday.

Mesa Roadrunner 2015 The 2015 Roadrunner Bridge Tournament planning committee met January 30 at the home of Tournament Chairperson Kitty Larson. The ever popular annual Roadrunner Senior Regional Bridge Tournament will be held April 6 through April 12 at the Convention Center in Mesa, Arizona. Plans include 10 sessions of Gold Rush Pairs bracketed at…

Fun Lakers Club notice

Belinda Anderson, Vice President/Publicity Chair Will the fun ever end? Not in this club. We just keep having fun, fun and more fun! Our February event was fantastic! On Saturday, February 21 the Saguaro Room at Cottonwood was transformed into the Big Easy and Bourbon Street for our New Orleans Jazz Night. It was a…

Sun Lakes Watermedia Club news

Diane Hitt The Sun Lakes Watermedia Club’s annual Easter show and sale is on Saturday, April 4. We will be showing our artwork in the Cottonwood Courtyard from 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Please stop by to visit us. There will be many varied and interesting paintings. Included will be acrylic paintings by new member artists. We…