Keys to spiritual health in the New Year

Join the workshop with John Chuchman on February 23!

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ would like to invite you to spend a morning with us and our presenter, John Chuchman. We all pay much attention trying to stay physically healthy along life’s journey. A question we should ask ourselves is do we exert enough effort staying physically healthy and nurturing our spiritual health?…

What is love?

Pastor Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church Soon we will see more red hearts than there are Cub fans at the beginning of the season. A sure sign that either there is a massive cardiologist convention in town, or it is the month of February. With all of those hearts it made me wonder –…

Unity: The Twelve Powers

Unity Church of Sun Lakes teaches a positive spiritual lifestyle based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and other master teachers. Through the study of spiritual principles and using these principles in our lives, we are free to experience our true potential as children of God. This January we looked at Faith, one of the…

Winning medals at the USAPA SW Regional Pickleball

David Zapatka and Dianne Zimmerman

David Zapatka The United States, Canada and Mexico are divided into various regions for the purposes of regional Pickleball competition. The USAPA southwest region encompasses Mexico, New Mexico and Arizona. Although this is the inaugural year for this USAPA regional tournament, attendance was strong and pushed host Pueblo El Mirage’s 16-court capacity to the limit…

PVMGA December results

New officers of PVMGA for 2015 are President Bob Rouleau, Treasurer Adrian Barber, Vice President Butch Reber and Secretary Dick Nelsen

Jim Davis, Publicity Our December schedule, for this article, started on the 13th, which was a four man team, Two Net Best Balls format. The winning morning team with a 96 consisted of Arnie Bannerman, Jay Nelson, Gary Zahnow and Buster Crook. The winning afternoon team with a 101 was Ron Crabtree, Barry Mostovoy, Dave…