The Strike Zone – February 2015

Prime Timers Mary Lou Mathrusse, Secretary/Treasurer December Bowling Results: 12/03. Scratch Game – Women: Beverly Plimpton 235, Joyce Anderson 203, Sophia Doig 199; Men: Ed Sowney 246, Marc Vallecorse 238, Dan Moreno 221 Scratch Series – Women: Joyce Anderson 526, Carole Sinicki 510, Beverly Plimpton 496; Men: Marc Vallecorse 608, Ed Sowney 605, Darrell Simon…

IMGA news and events – February 2015

The new IMGA Board

John Concannon, Publicity As predicted in last month’s issue, the new Board of Directors was elected unanimously by the general membership in mid-December. The new board consists of Vice President John Skoworn, President Bill Beltz, Treasurer Dan Jonker and Secretary Gene McIntyre. Based on the initial board meeting I attended, IMGA is in good hands…

SLCC Ladies 18-hole results

18 Holers league enjoys social time after golf!

Nancy Field Golf results: 12/09. – Scramble: 1st place team Cheryl Reed, Mary Billideau, Gail Lerette and Kay Nielsen (63), 2nd place team (tie) Debra Emerick, Diane Grosse, Sarah Green and Jackie Sakamoto (64), Marci Koppelmaa, Pinky Kubiak, Mavis Nixon and Donna Bailey (64), 3rd place team (tie) Nicole Wadley, Shelby Larson, Elaine Donovel and…

Oakwood Niners news – February 2015

Jim Wegman, Publicity We met our newest Niner, Al Metz, on December 11. So once again Al, welcome to the Niners. Hey guys, Ron Rudzinski, a former member, has just returned to the Niners. Glad to see you back, Ron. 2014 Niners League Championship – A much needed, but inconvenient rain storm washed out play…

MOGA Playday results

Howie Weiss (right) congratulates TJ Jones for accepting the Presidency of MOGA.

Bob Greene, Publicity February 2015; a bit belated, however, MOGA would like to wish all our members, and their families a Happy New Year that is full of blessings and to acknowledge our officers, committee chairmen and the Pro Shop personnel that have worked so hard to make our Men’s Golf Association a success. A…

OLGA-18 February Update

Dari Akin wins 2014 OLGA Cup (Net) Championship on December 9

Glo Malmberg, Publicity It’s time to sharpen your game to get ready for Oakwood Ladies Golf Association’s (OLGA) 18-Hole annual Club Championship! There are three rounds of competition to determine the winner of the always sought after trophy. The three tournament rounds will be February 10, 17 and 24. May the best golfer win! OLGA…