St. Steven’s Ladies Guild news

The St. Steven’s Ladies Guild will meet January 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Great Hall. The Catholic Area Agency on Aging will provide a presentation on how to avoid being taken in by scam artists. Additional information is available from Rose Pachura at 802-0775. Spiritual message and prayer will be led by Father…

Cottonwood Lady Niners news – January 2015

Leslie Swan November was the beginning of regular Niners Thursday golf. The snowbirds are arriving back in dribs and drabs so the first game was just for fun with no results being recorded. November 13 – Least Putts: 1st (two-way tie) Anita Hopkins and Pat Kivi, 12 putts; 2nd (two-way tie) Faye McCrimmon and Lynn…

Women’s Exchange meeting to discuss mini facelifts

Dr Laris of Phoenix Skin will be speaking at the January Women’s Exchange meeting about beauty breakthroughs, specifically mini facelifts, as part of our New year, New You theme. This picture is of an actual patient that has had the procedure.

The Women’s Exchange Group is all about women connecting with women and exploring women’s interests. This month: Beauty Breakthroughs: Mini Facelifts! Dr. Laris of Phoenix Skin will be doing a presentation of new treatments and techniques that “roll back time”! Have you heard about the mini facelift? Now you can learn from an expert. Many…

Sun Lakes Angels are turning lives around

Some of the women who are part of the “angel” team.

Three years ago, Palo Verde residents Charlene Clausen and Romelle Durand began giving back by helping women with reentry after incarceration. They believe that people deserve a second chance. They also facilitate book clubs at the women’s prison in Goodyear, as well as help implement a six-week class three times a year that teaches the…

Buddy Poppy Day 2014 thanks area businesses

Neal Peer, Commander of Sun Lakes VFW Post 8053 and Betty Peer, President of the Post’s Auxiliary, manning one of the doors at Arizona Avenue’s Wal-Mart Store on Poppy Day, November 15.

Sun Lakes VFW Post 8053 Ladies Auxiliary wishes to thank the following businesses for allowing us to promote Buddy Poppy Day in front of their businesses on Saturday, November 15: ACE Hardware on Riggs Rd.; Wal-Mart on S. Arizona Ave.; HOA 1 Pro Shop; Fry’s at Riggs and McQueen; Fry’s, S. Alma School; Walgreen’s at…

Other Card Results – January 2015

Tuesday Cribbage 11/04. 1st Duane Tichmor 14-73, 2nd Jim Fisher 10-80, 3rd Bill Bade 10-23; Low: Michael Roberts 6-136; 24 Hand: Jean Orenthe and Rudy Gerstner 11/11. 1st Stan Wengrzyn 12-57, 2nd Milt Knutson 11-52, 3rd Michael Roberts 10-77; Low: Richard Lewin 6-64 11/18. 1st Milt Knutson 12-75, 2nd Bill Bade 11-53, 3rd Don Martin…