CLGA playday results

CLGA members get back in the swing!

The Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association got back in the swing in November after the three weeks of golf course overseeding. We had many winners in the Low Gross, Low Net tournament; and then, the Handicap Tournament brought out the best of the players with the winners determined by taking their score and subtracting the handicap.…

Dolly Dressers 2014 highlights

Johnnie Schofield standing next to her truck filled with 2,400 Beanie Babies which an anonymous person gave to us.

Viv Sloane Five ladies attended our November meeting. A delivery was made the end of October. Our December 4 meeting was attended by eight members. We welcomed returning members Annette Kitto and Vickie Benson. A few of the members brought items for us to go through. Vicky Buholz presented a list of the 180 items…

Dollars & $ense – January 2015

Editor’s Note: “Dollars and Sense” is a new column in the Sun Lakes Splash dedicated to financial issues. This column is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject of personal finances. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special,…

20 years of Neighbors Who Care

November 1995 - Ann Porter became the first paid director of Neighbors Helping Neighbors and was greeted by Rev. Gary Vaughn, president of the Neighbors Ministry Program, Neighbors Helping Neighbors and pastor of the Sun Lakes Community Church.

Eric Ehst, Executive Director It’s hard to believe that this month marks the 20th anniversary of the first time a Neighbors Who Care (then Neighbors Helping Neighbors) volunteer took a homebound Sun Laker grocery shopping. And how we’ve grown during that time: from a dozen or so volunteers organized through the Interfaith Council who would…

Ironwood is the 2014 Robson Challenge Champion

From left are Karen Beltz, RuthAnn McGilvra, Betty Dupuis, Barb Dinardo, Carol Jones, Leann Knox, Elaine Osborn, Karen Welker, Bev Lutes, Linda Meisinger (captain), Anne Annis and B.J. Schuller

The Robson Challenge is an annual event, held at the Robson-affiliated club that is hosting. Nine clubs (Robson communities) participate. The event is flighted, and each club must send players from every flight. Players compete for individual low net prizes by flight and the overall winning team receives a traveling trophy. Congratulations to individual winners:…