Sun Lakes Sew-N-Sews – January 2015

The Sun Lakes Sew-N-Sews will hold their January meeting on Wednesday, January 14 in the Oakwood Ballroom. The meeting begins at 1:30, but come early to check out the stash table and sign up for any classes you may want to take. The 3 Dudes will be the program for January. They are always interesting…

Roadrunner RV Club news – January 2015

The Sun Lakes Roadrunners enjoyed an evening of good food, friendship and dancing to the music of Thaddeous Rose.

Jan Skibo, Secretary The Sun Lakes Roadrunners held its annual Christmas dinner dance at the Palo Verde Country Club. It was a great night of camaraderie, good food and wonderful music. We held our planning session in November and are set for another fun year of traveling this wonderful country. We have our now annual…

American Legion Post 55 by-laws changes

Pat Nicholaisen We are having a change to our By-Laws to change the time and the number for our quorum. As of December 2014, by unanimous vote of participating members of the general meetings, the following change is to the By-Laws: Article 8 Section 6 (pg. 12) to read: The current quorum requirement is 15…

Reach Out Sun Lakes – January 2015

Ellen Engel Monthly food collection drives sponsored by Reach Out Sun Lakes and targeted for The Mathew’s Crossing Food Bank in Chandler have entered their seventh year. In 2014, Reach Out Sun Lakes collected 5,202.5 pounds (over 2.5 tons!) of basic foods and just over $5,200 in cash from generous residents. The dollars were used…

2016 Crystal awards winners announced

Dee Rasmussen It is hard to believe that since the inception of the Crystal Awards program, which was born in the year 2009 with the first Awards Banquet held in 2010, that we are now preparing for our seventh annual Awards Banquet to be held March 6 at the Oakwood Country Club. We are so…

IronOaks Breakers post pool league statistics

David “the Godfather” Mork The IronOaks Breakers Pool League has completed the third year of league play this past November. When the league began with just a few members in the beginning of the first year of play, it was hoped that the league would grow; now it has grown to 47 members as of…