Effective November 4, yoga will be offered in the Mirror Room on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 a.m. The class will be instructed by Ann Hanson and Lois Peterson. The class is geared towards the senior population and students are encouraged to work at their own pace and not to repeat moves that cause…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Gentle yoga class begins at Sun Lakes Country Club
Features, November 2014
The Hot Spot – November 2014
Sun Lakes Chief of Department Paul Wilson congratulates Battalion Chief Steve McCoy on achieving 25 years with SLFD. McCoy has served as a firefighter, paramedic, engineer, Captain and Deputy Chief during his tenure. In addition to providing administrative and management services to the community he has worked with the Community Assistance Program and emergency medical…
Generals, November 2014
Nail fungus workshop
Join us on Monday, November 3 at 10:00 a.m. for an informational workshop about nail fungus. Topics will include how to know if you have nail fungus or not; why it can be so difficult to treat nail fungus by conventional methods; and the latest FDA approved treatments to get rid of fungus in one…
Religion, November 2014
Shalom Chapter of Hadassah prepares for fabulous November
Doris Codkind, Publicity Mark your calendars for November 9 as this promises to be a spectacular event – our Wine Tasting and Cheese Party to be held at a beautiful private home in Sun Lakes. Reservations at $15 per person for this special evening can be made by sending your check to Joyce S. at…
Religion, November 2014
SunBird Community Church
Sports, November 2014
CMGA playday results
Steve Martz Results of recent events: 09/06. Ace of Aces qualifier-Quota Points – Flight 1: 1st Richard Haug, 2nd Stan Mohoric, 3rd Larry Frink; Flight 2: 1st Rick Nelson, 2nd Brad Reis, 3rd Dennis Bockelman; Flight 3: 1st Ron Gunnoe, 2nd Tom Reese, 3rd Jack Wotley and Earl Whiteman; Flight 4: 1st Terence Cronin, 2nd…