PVMGA playday results

Jim Davis, Publicity October started out very slow as the course was closed through Monday, October 20 with our first outing on the newly overseeded course being on October 25, at which we played Beat the Pros and Superintendents. A good time was had by all and especially those groups that beat the Pros and…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters results

Pictured left is Camille Jasien, the Lady Putter’s Treasurer and also the Monday Flight Leader. Right is Colleen Foley, Monday Flight Leader assistant. Both ladies have been busy with Lady Putters for several years as well as other Sun Lakes organizations.

Susan Gottschalk The Sun Lakes Lady Putters have started the 2014-15 season, our 17th year. Plans are under way for the Christmas luncheon scheduled for December 5 at the San Tan Ballroom in Cottonwood. Lunch choices are vegetable stir fry with chicken or Mediterranean steak salad. Raffle drawings will be held as our organization’s fundraiser…

Lions Club invites vets to join

Forrest Cheuvront Sun Lakes Lions Club is offering local U.S. veterans a special opportunity to serve their community. The Involve a U.S. Veteran program is a nationwide initiative sponsored by Lions Clubs International that offers qualified U.S. veterans an entrance fee waiver when joining a local Lions club. Eligible veterans include retired U.S. military personnel…

Sun Lakes Lutheran Church

Members of the Sun Lakes Lutheran Church enjoyed a welcome back picnic recently at Sisk Park!

Marty Patton Advent is the beginning of the church year and in anticipation of the celebration of the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, Pastors Dale Hallberg and Jane Mitchell’s messages will be The Personalities of Advent leading up to our Christmas Eve service on December 24 at 6:00 p.m. in the…

Rotarian of the Month for November

Rotarian of the Month Chuck (Charles) Deuth

Colette McNally Chuck [Charles] Deuth was awarded the title of Rotarian of the Month for November. Chuck, who is married to Kathy, has two children and three grandchildren and comes to us from Kansas where he pursued a degree in mathematics and taught math before turning to sales with IBM and other financial service organizations.…

Cottonwood Clay Sculpture – December 2014

Some examples of what you can learn to do in the Cottonwood Clay Sculpture Class!

Evelyn Shea Hello! And welcome if you are a returning winter visitor or have just moved here. You are just in time to enjoy the winter holidays and the sunshine – without the snow! Don’t stress the holidays this year! The Cottonwood Clay Sculpture class invites you to join them. Create your own gifts while…