Nail fungus workshop

Join us on Monday, November 3 at 10:00 a.m. for an informational workshop about nail fungus. Topics will include how to know if you have nail fungus or not; why it can be so difficult to treat nail fungus by conventional methods; and the latest FDA approved treatments to get rid of fungus in one…

SunBird Community Church

Minister David Walker will perform Sunday service at SunBird Community Church on November 2.

Bob Neuman Thanksgiving was originated by Christians to thank God for the bounty and very survival. Should we do less? To recognize God as Lord is to acknowledge he is sovereign and supreme. To accept Him as Savior is to accept his gift of salvation offered on the cross. To regard Him as father in…

CMGA playday results

Steve Martz Results of recent events: 09/06. Ace of Aces qualifier-Quota Points – Flight 1: 1st Richard Haug, 2nd Stan Mohoric, 3rd Larry Frink; Flight 2: 1st Rick Nelson, 2nd Brad Reis, 3rd Dennis Bockelman; Flight 3: 1st Ron Gunnoe, 2nd Tom Reese, 3rd Jack Wotley and Earl Whiteman; Flight 4: 1st Terence Cronin, 2nd…