Lucky Shot Pool Club ends 2013-2014 seasons

The Lucky Shot Pool club’s second summer tournament season ended September 10 with the winners as listed below. Congratulations to all the winners and also to all who participated. The first regular tournament will start on November 1 and run through December 12. Persons interested in joining the club can sign up at the Cottonwood…

“I can’t draw a stick figure”

I want to draw!

Susan Plouzek Have you wanted to draw or sketch? Basic drawing classes are every Saturday beginning November 1 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. The cost of tuition is $20 per month. Susan Plouzek teaches the class. She is a long-time instructor of art from kindergartners to adults. Her method of teaching helps students easily understand and fulfill…

A celebration of life planned

A celebration of Life will be held at the home of Sandra Iosue, 8922 East Minnesota Ave., Sun Lakes, AZ. The date is Thursday, November 6 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The purpose of the luncheon is to celebrate the lives of Post, Auxiliary and community members who have survived cancer, men and women. Iosue is…

Golden Goalies – power to you

Bea Loozer Recently we had a discussion about a particular way we, as Golden Goalies, can empower ourselves. The approach we looked at was that of using affirmations, which are positive statements that we repeat frequently. To be effective, an affirmation is stated in the present tense and is positive, personal and specific. Saying “I…

Agave Quilters news

Johnie Scofield The Agave Quilters of Sun Lakes got off to a fabulous start in September with their first guild meeting of the year held September 3 in the Oakwood Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club. One of the founding members, Dorrie Meehan, was given a small token of appreciation and love for all that…