Spotlight on Advertiser – The Charles Company

Charles Insurance Alice M. Schroeder, President The Charles Company participated in the annual Christmas Blanket Drive for Soldiers. Blankets will be donated to “Packages from Home” who will mail them to our troops. This year the blankets will go to our troops in the mountains of Afghanistan or to other high elevations where temperatures at…

Chase chills away with cozy crafts

(Family Features) Let the blustery winds blow while you stay warm inside and while away the wintry hours with cozy crafts that keep you warm. Start by updating your favorite reading chair or couch with comfy new pillows that invite you to grab a blanket and burrow in tight. Easy Envelope Pillow Covers, a project from…

The gifts of Christmas

Pastor Ron Burcham

Pastor Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church Have you ever given much thought to the different kinds of gifts you give each year? There are the obligatory gifts. These are the gifts that you should just “give them something.” Maybe it is the gift for someone at work, a service provider, or the nice couple…

Shalom Chapter of Hadassah

It is once again time for our annual shopping marathon on Tuesday, December 9. We are excited to have added additional stores at San Tan Village in Gilbert. As further incentive, a 10 percent cash back will be given to our Chapter on all sales by Chico’s, Soma and White House Black Market. You can…

Word of the Month – December 2014

David Zapatka The October Word of the Month article highlighting the difference between the words “historic” and “historical” sparked this question from reader Marilyn Conner. “What is the difference between ‘illegal’ and ‘unlawful’?” According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the word illegal means not “allowed by law; not legal.” The word unlawful means “not lawful; illegal.”…

Men’s Club Food Drive

The Men’s Club collected 819 pounds of food during its annual Food Drive!

During the High Holidays, the Men’s Club organized its annual Food Drive campaign as partner of United Food Bank in the fight against hunger in our communities. I am delighted to announce that with the help of our congregation we collected 819 pounds of food which will be distributed through charitable United Food Bank partners…