America Remembers—A Musical Tribute

Don’t miss America Remembers – A Musical Tribute on November 9 at 3:00 p.m!

America Remembers – A Musical Tribute, a live stage show by professional performers, will be presented to raise funds for the Arizona StandDown for homeless and in need veterans at 3:00 p.m. November 9, just in time for Veterans Day at the Sun Lakes Country Club on Sun Lakes Boulevard off Riggs Road in Sun Lakes.…

60 Plus Club news

Nancy Fisher, Publicity The 60 Plus Club is a large not-for-profit club whose sole purpose is to provide fun and entertainment for its members. Dues are $7.50 per person per calendar year. Any individual or married couple, one spouse of which is a minimum of 60 years of age and who is a resident of…

Crafters Club news – November 2014

Join the Crafters Club!

Ann Richards A wide variety of skill levels and a variety of crafts are represented at the Crafters Club. The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at Cottonwood Phoenix Room (A-9) between 9:00 a.m.-noon. There are no dues, no skills required, just a love of doing your own craft and…

All That Jazz

There is no doubt about it, All That Jazz! believes that no celebration is complete without song! Each member of this quartet has a strong background in music and performance. With a repertoire that includes traditional selections, popular tunes and holiday melodies, All That Jazz! is looking to add a musical lift to your luncheon,…

The Desert Artists are thankful

Mika Baltyn with samples of her beautiful work.

We are thankful to have a thriving club with new members with varying interests. This month’s artist of the month is new member, Mika Baltyn. Originally from Poland, Mika was educated as an architect. Her gorgeous paintings of the old towns of Poland are quite stunning. She is also quite talented with pastels. We are…