Sisk Park Bocce begins fall season

Irene D’Aloisio, Publicity Director The Sisk Park Bocce Ball League began November 2 and play is underway. Open houses were held in October at Cottonwood and Oakwood to provide an opportunity to speak with league members about the game and the league. Great fun was had at the Wine and Cheese party which took place…

Sun Lakes PEO Christmas luncheon December 6

Getting ready for the P.E.O. Christmas Luncheon!

Jan Rathke “The Gift of P.E.O.” is the theme of the annual Sun Lakes P.E.O. Christmas Luncheon to be held on Saturday, December 6 in the Oakwood Country Club Ballroom. Registration will be at 11:30 a.m. and lunch served at noon. A musical prelude will be given by flutist Mary Jane Sieben and entertainment will…

Oakwood Ballroom Dance

Edie Gilbertsen Dance at Oakwood with Edie on Wednesdays November 5, 12 and 19 and December 3; Ballroom class at 3:00-345 p.m. for Waltz, then 3:45-4:30 p.m. for Swing; $25 per person for the four weeks, $8 to drop in. Call Edie to register at 480-831-1064. If you are member of the Dance Party the…

Symphony concert at Sun Lakes

Alan Wilkie, Chandler Symphony Orchestra Be certain to reserve Sunday, December 7 for the Holiday Concert presented by the Chandler Symphony Orchestra. The times are 3:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. A $10 ticket/donation will aid Neighbors Who Care and the symphony. Tickets may be purchased at the United Methodist Church business office. The Sun Lakes…

Sun Lakes Genealogy Club update

Karen Sowney The Sun Lakes Genealogy Club will hold its November meeting on November 18 in the Mirror Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 6:30 p.m. Our goal for this season is to show various methods for finding our ancestors and learning how to record this information so that it can be shared…

Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association news

Jim Davis, Publicity Well, another month and another monsoon or two or three, but they didn’t interfere with our golf. September is the last full month of golf for the 2013-2014 season and with a variety of formats; what a great month, too. Our first round this month, September 6, started with an Individual Stableford…