Free health seminars for November

Paullene Caraher will continue to sponsor these Health Seminars in November. They will be held on the first Wednesday of the month in the afternoon from 1:00-2:30 or 3:00 p.m. The evening second Friday of the month seminar from 7:00-8:30 or 9:00 p.m. will be discontinued. The purpose of the seminars is to give the…

In Passing – November 2014

Joyce Mary (Banks) Wood-Bolesworth

Joyce Mary (Banks) Wood-Bolesworth Joyce Mary (Banks) Wood-Bolesworth, born March 17, 1921 in Birmingham, England had resided in Arizona since 1962. She returned to the Lord on August 13, 2014. Joyce is survived by her husband, Burt Bolesworth, their combined children, Beverly Goins, Deborah Wood-Schade, Dianne Carney, Cheryl Harris and Steve Harris. Between the two…

Free Dementia Caregiver class

An educational class entitled “As Dementia Progresses” will be held at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on Tuesday, November 4. This two-hour class, conducted by Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, will cover the moderate to advanced stages of dementia, how common symptoms can be managed and how caregivers can find success in their daily efforts. The class…

PAL news

  Mary Scala Hello, hello, hello to all the PALs out there. I am racking my brain trying to think of something cute, clever, or even smart to convince you to become a member of the Performing Arts League. Some folks think we do the performing – wrong! We don’t perform or ask you to…

Genealogy group meeting

Orpha Smith Daniela Moneta, genealogist, will speak at a genealogy group meeting at the Oakwood Country Club in Sun Lakes, Arizona on November 11 from 2:00-4:45 p.m. This is a free session. Please respond to bfghsinphx@yahoo. com. Seating is limited. Daniela received her Masters of Library and Information Studies from the University of California, Los…