Sun Lakes Republican Club To Meet February 8

The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature “Economic Truths: Production or Plunder” with guest speaker Keith DeGreen at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club, at 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., in Sun Lakes. (This program was originally announced for a meeting…

Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Rich Volpe Our chapter commander would like to continue to extend his thanks and appreciation for all the support you all provided to our organization over the past year, and we’re looking forward to a fresh new start as we enter into the new year. Some major achievements over the past year include teaming…

Julie’s Fitness Classes

Julie Bauman invites you to come to her classes at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 and 9 a.m. For the past 15 years, Julie has been teaching Group Fitness in the Chandler, Sun Lakes, and South Gilbert area. She currently has punch cards available 10 for $35…

Your Health and Reflexology

Kathleen Ismael Touch is a basic human need. Studies have shown that infants who receive minimal care and seldom experience touch in early months will experience emotional and behavioral impact. Most people know that human touch and interaction is necessary for health and healing. Each organ and system in the body is influenced by a…

Jitsi Meet for Video Conferencing

Helen Seaton, Publicity Director The Computer Booters meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 8, will be about Jitsi Meet, which is a free, opensource, online video conferencing application, much like Zoom, but without the fees or time restrictions. If you have taken part in our Tech Tuesdays feature, then you have had your first taste of Jitsi…