Sun Lakes Christmas Ball December 15

John Yu Welcome to our Sun Lakes Christmas Ball. The Sun Lakes Dinner and Dance Venue is featuring the Midnight Moon pop and country band from 5 to 8:30 p.m. in the Sun Lakes San Tan Ballroom on Sunday, Dec. 15. Enjoy your Sunday evening with the music of the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s, along…

Republican Club—No December Meeting

Carolyn McCorkle The Sun Lakes Republican Club (SLRC) would like to provide this courtesy notice to our members, regular guests, and friends that there will be no meeting on Dec. 11. Instead, we will be enjoying a delicious prime rib dinner, celebrating, and dancing to the fabulous live music of entertainer Harry Mathews at our…

Desert Threads

Cindy Templeton Recently, Desert Threads Community Service was asked by member Jody Edwards if we would send some of our charity quilts to Asheville, N.C., for hurricane relief victims. Jody’s niece April (our contact who lives in the Asheville area) received two boxes of quilts from Desert Threads. Once received, April will drop them off…

Agave Quilt Guild

Mary La Tourelle As quilters, we know all about color, value, design, and pattern, but selecting the right notions is also important. Our November speaker, Jennifer Johnson, owner of A Quilter’s Oasis in Mesa, provided insights for selecting the right needles and thread. She used visuals of giant 3D printer-generated needles to show the differences.…