Sun City Stomperz

Sun City Stomperz

Helen Daley I’m not sure why you would ever do a Google search for the word “stomperz,” but if you did, the first several results would be “A Dixieland jazz band,” referring to the Sun City Stomperz. Next would be chunky, platform, canvas, lace-up sneakers (who knew?), then a Twisty Petz Stomperz Elephant which is…

Golf to Help Veterans in Need

Jim Treacy East Valley Marines, Detachment 1296, is sponsoring their Seventh Annual Charity Golf Tournament to benefit our Arizona service members. The tournament is on April 3, 2020, at the Oakwood Country Club. It is a four-person scramble with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. Check-in is 7 a.m. with coffee and doughnuts. You will…

NAIL Offers a Wide Range of Classes

Catherine Hammond This spring, New Adventures, a lifelong-learning program affiliated with Chandler-Gilbert Community College, offers nearly 100 classes and events for members who live in the Southeast Valley of the Sun. Classes for the semester continue until April 24, 2020. Presenters, often members of the group, may be experts in the field or people with…

Oakwood Lady Niners News

Susan Meer Winter is almost over, and the OLNGA members are actively playing golf. We welcomed the following new members in January and February: Christine Berney, Shirley Moore, RoseAnne Rinderknecht and Rita Ginberg (a returning member). Winners for the month of January: Jan. 7: Flight 1: Joyce Parker and Bonnie Tasch tied for 1st place,…

Sun Lakes Computer Booters News

Alyssa Carter

Helen Seaton, Publicity Director On Feb. 5, the Computer Booters club honored three members who have given many years of volunteer service to the club. Lifetime Achievement Awards were given to Howard Winkle, Janet Quade, and Bill Phillips. They were granted life membership in the club. Thank you for all your work. The speaker for…

Risen Savior Choir Invitation

Teresa Murphy, Choir Director Do you love to sing? Are you looking for a close-knit musical community? Come join the Risen Savior Lutheran Church Adult Choir for our Holy Week Services! We invite you to rehearse with us for six weeks, from March 5 to April 12, in preparation for our services on April 9-12.…