Tag: Cottonwood Lady Niners

Cottonwood Lady Niners name winners

Eden Carter and Diane Hill are the State Medallion winners and will represent Cottonwood’s Lady Niners in statewide competition January 15 at PebbleCreek Golf Course. Carter won Low Net and Hill Low Gross.

Lila Ritchie Rachel Wilson was named the Most Improved Golfer of the season at Cottonwood’s annual farewell luncheon April 14. Held on the Pro Shop patio, about 60 ladies attended the catered event. While golf continues through May, the ladies’ competitive play ended in April. League play resumes November 3. Eden Carter (low gross) and…

Cottonwood Lady Niners donate $6500 to SLFD

Sun Lakes Fire Department Captain Cory Evans and Cottonwood Lady Niner Sandy Jackson selling raffle tickets at the March 10 Member-Guest.

Sun Lakes Fire Department Captain Cory Evans and Cottonwood Lady Niner Sandy Jackson selling raffle tickets at the March 10 Member-Guest. A song and dance routine set to the music of You’re So Fine serenaded Sun Lakes firemen attending Member-Guest festivities March 10. Led by President Bette Lu Buchanan at the mic, the Lady Niner…

Cottonwood Lady Niners enjoy busy February

Cottonwood’s Lady Niners Valentine’s luncheon guest speaker was Troy Maloney, Chief of the Sun Lakes Fire District, chosen to benefit from the group’s annual Member-Guest Tournament March 10. From left, Barb Schmoekel and Dixie McQuaid, Member-Guest co-chairs, Chief Maloney and Bette Lu Buchanan, President.

Lila Ritchie February was spelled B-U-S-Y for Cottonwood’s Lady Niners with the annual Eclectic competition, a Valentine’s luncheon and wrapping up plans for the March 10 Member-Guest Tournament. A full field of 120 members and guests are golfing in the nine-hole event which benefits the Sun Lakes Fire District. Chief Troy Maloney, guest speaker at…

Cottonwood Lady Niners’ Member-Guest benefits Fire Dept.

Winning team - Eden Carter, left, and Rachelle Wilson won second place in the 2015 Arizona Women’s Golf Association’s State Medallion tournament January 17 played at PebbleCreek Golf Resort. Their score of 76 placed third overall with the annual tournament attracting entries from throughout the state.

Lila Ritchie More than nine of every 10 calls received daily, averaged by the Sun Lakes Fire Department, are for medical emergencies. Totaling 3,500 calls annually, only about 150 responses are for fires. Currently, the Fire Department is offering a medical flash drive program to improve the efficiency of medical care received by patients. Chosen…

Cottonwood Lady Niners open website

Celebrating the season on December 17 were golfers (from left) Betty Ennis, Lorrie Morgan and Diana DePree of the Cottonwood Lady Niners.

Lila Ritchie Details of a new Cottonwood Lady Niners’ website were unveiled at the December 17 Christmas luncheon and meeting. Designed and implemented by member Kathy Bushbaum, the website includes new member information as well as league news, golf winners and membership listing. “It’s simple to use,” said Bushbaum, “but includes all the information needed…

Cottonwood Lady Niners plan for golf, fun and charity

Cottonwood’s Lady Niners officers for 2015-16 are from left Treasurer Lynn Tanner, President Bette Lu Buchanan; Secretary Cathy Kinnick; and Vice President Dixie McQuaid.

Lila Ritchie Lots of golf, fun and charity fill this year’s schedule of Cottonwood’s Lady Niners with President Bette Lu Buchanan announcing the upcoming activities. In addition to weekly golfing events, the Lady Niners will host its annual Member-Guest Tournament on Thursday, March 10, which will include a luncheon, prizes and fun golf activities. A…

Play day opens Cottonwood Lady Niners’ season

Lila Ritchie Cottonwood’s Lady Niners open their golf season with a Play Day and meeting Thursday, November 5. “We’ll be playing for Low Net honors on the back nine,” announces President Bette Lu Buchanan, “but having fun will be the order of the day!” That, however, is not unusual as the membership of about 85…

Cottonwood’s Lady Niners elect 2015-2016 officers

Officers leading Cottonwood’s Lady Niners for the 2015-16 year pictured (left to right) Co-Vice-Presidents Barb Schmoekel and Dixie McQuaid, President Bettie Lu Buchanan, Secretary Cathy Kinnick and Treasurer Lynn Tanner.

Lila Ritchie Cottonwood’s Lady Niners recently elected Bette Lu Buchanan president to lead the new slate of officers which is making plans for this fall’s links action. The group has 86 members who enjoy nine holes every Thursday afternoon plus numerous events. Co-Vice Presidents Dixie McQuaid and Barb Schmoekel will chair the 2016 Member-Guest tournament,…

Cottonwood Lady Niners name 2015 winners

Linda Sparks, left, and Pat Kivi display a colorful cake bidding farewell April 16 to Cottonwood’s Lady Niners’ snowbirds at the luncheon marking the end of the 2015 season. Sparks and Kivi co-chaired the event.

Lila Ritchie As Arizona’s first warm days of summer begin, Cottonwood’s Lady Niners say farewell as snowbirds flee to cooler climes. A luncheon on April 16 celebrated the end of another season and made plans for a new one as 2016 officers were seated. Lynn Tanner and Rachelle Wilson were named winners of the coveted…