Rod Hayward Welcome to the first in a series of articles from the Cottonwood Tennis Club designed to help the community play better tennis. According to three instructors in the Cottonwood Tennis Club, nothing affects performance more than where we choose to play on the court. For Don, finding the proper court position is helped…
Tag: Cottonwood Tennis Club
Sports, January 2016
31st Annual Bradshaw Tournament
This was the 31st year for the Bradshaw Tennis tournament held at the Cottonwood Racquet Club. There were many close matches with over 50 needing a tie-break game. The IronOaks Fitness and Racquet Center had many members place in the top three in their division. The results are as follows: Dave Rokusek was part of…
Sports, January 2016
Food, glorious food!
Oliver would be happy. No gruel here – nothing but tables of delicious fare made by the volunteers that provide meals to the Cottonwood Tennis Club members and their guests at the five annual tournaments, the three social events with neighboring communities and the closing picnic: a total of over 11,000 individual meals when you…
Sports, December 2015
Cottonwood Tennis Club welcomes new players
Sports, December 2015
IOTC upcoming events and news
The IronOaks Racquet Center will be hosting their last Tennis Social of 2015 on Monday, December 21 from noon-2:00 p.m. All tennis players in the community are welcome! A mix and match tennis format is played from noon-1:30 p.m. with a light holiday snack served after play. There is always a theme to the socials,…
Sports, October 2015
Court Report – Cottonwood Tennis Club
Susie Welker We are gearing up for our winter session of competitive and enjoyable tennis at the Cottonwood Tennis Club! As our members begin to drift back to the southwest, the intensity of our CTC activities ratchets up to accommodate their enthusiasm for tennis. This is a club organized and run by its members and…
Sports, June 2015
Bob Pivec: making tennis fun
Rod Hayward The Cottonwood Tennis Club has a long history of helping its members to improve their tennis skills. It is members like Bob Pivec who make this possible; 60 years ago, he congregated with his eighth-grade classmates to hit tennis balls in the local public playground; a decade later, he was already pursuing his…
Sports, May 2015
Cottonwood Tennis Club picnic
Rod Hayward With months of tournaments, league play and socials behind them, members of the Cottonwood Tennis Club gathered at Sisk Park March 21 to close another successful season and to bid Bon Voyage to their northerner friends, poised for the annual spring migration to cooler climates. The afternoon was filled with entertainment and skill…
Sports, April 2015
Cottonwood Tennis Club Court report
Susie Dunn Our annual Mixed Doubles Tournament that ran from February 15-20 was a huge success. There were many tight matches and when it was all over after six days of serious playing, the big winners were as follows: First Place (Red Division): Dave Cain and Denise Devereaus First Place (Green Division): Wayne Mangold and…
Sports, March 2015
Cottonwood Tennis Club report
Susie Dunn As mentioned in last month’s issue our popular Men’s and Women’s Doubles Tournament was scheduled to play on January 11th-16th. Weather became a big factor causing delays and rescheduling of matches. The results were as follows: Red Division Women: 1st M.J. Robinson and Kay Wengert, 2nd Lynn Cox and Bonnie Livingston, 3rd Kaipo…