Tag: Cottonwood Tennis Club

Cottonwood Tennis Club Court report – February 2015

Bob and Rae Lewis are shown keeping track of match scores on the scoreboard at the start of the CTC gender doubles tournament in mid-January. The membership of the tennis club is very grateful to them for being our tournament directors this year. Kudos to you both from the CTC!

Susie Welker The Cottonwood Tennis Club wishes you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! We hope 2015 is a good year for you. More specifically: May you ace your first serve, smash your overheads accurately, drive your backhand return deep with perfection, slam lobs, place your alley shots expertly, win more matches than…

Cottonwood Tennis Club’s Court report

John Langan is our Cottonwood Tennis Club photographer catching us in action shots on the courts and often as we relax off the courts!

Susie Dunn It’s about time we pay due recognition to one of our very dedicated Cottonwood tennis volunteers. He has been so faithfully taking action shots at all our tournaments throughout the tennis season as well as taking beautiful photographs of our tennis couples each December at our very popular and fun filled Tennis Christmas…

30th annual Bradshaw Tournament in Cottonwood was a hit!

The 30th Bradshaw winners are all smiles after they are presented with their trophies after the seven day tournament in November!

Susie Welker The weather was perfect, the balls were flying and many spectators were clapping and cheering during all seven days of the Bradshaw Tennis Tournament from November 2 through November 8 at the Cottonwood tennis courts. The courts were in constant use as 160 players competed in 132 matches during the 30th Bradshaw Tournament.…

Court Report – November 2014

Kelz Kelzenberg’s fancy rainbow shirt worn for the two-day Rainbow Tournament.

Susie Dunn and Susie Welker Never a dull moment on the Cottonwood Tennis courts especially now that our club activities are in full swing for the winter season. To kick off the new tennis season, our 10th annual Cottonwood Rainbow Classic was held on October 10 11. The fun part of this tournament is that…

Cottonwood Tennis Club’s court report

Ray Sluzewicz, Wayne Mangold, Jack Szatkowski and Jim Dittmann end a successful men’s match with a fist bump!

Susie Welker Off we go for the start of another winter session of competitive and enjoyable tennis at the Cottonwood Tennis Club! As our members begin to drift back to their southwestern homes and friends, the intensity of our CTC activities ratchets up to accommodate their enthusiasm for tennis. First, however, the men’s summer league…

Summer tennis fun

Susie Dunn Our fun summer Round Robin Social ran from April to Memorial Day. Mary White who jumped right in as the coordinator did a fine job getting all the girls together each hot Monday morning. Heat became a factor at the end of May, along with many girls leaving sooner this summer than usual.…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Court Report

Susie Welker and Susie Dunn The members of the Cottonwood Tennis Club are grateful for many reasons. The club provides opportunities for tennis playing in organized play, league play, tournament play, social events, and drop-in tennis with friends and neighbors who all share this common sport interest. People from all walks of life have joined…

Cottonwood Tennis Club update – June 2014

Bob Pivec, Bob Lewis, Rae Lewis, Don Neu, Pierre Moresi and Rob Campbell are pictured after completing one of the Monday and Tuesday night free tennis clinics at Cottonwood. These CTC members volunteer their time to teach tennis to beginners and intermediate players.

Susie Dunn Temperatures approaching 100 degrees in Arizona this time of year don’t seem to faze the hardy Cottonwood tennis players. Our courts are still bustling with players, although mostly in the morning hours! The women’s Monday spring round robin group and the men’s Thursday group are completing their first few weeks of play. The…