Tag: dancing

Enroll now for AZ 2-step dance lessons

The classes are easy and fun, and you learn the Arizona 2-Step. Don’t wait to sign up, as attendance is limited. Arizona 2-Step dance lessons are held at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. Instructors are Dennis and Sandy Boone. The cost is $40 per person for four sessions…

Sun Lakes Sunday Dance Club

  John Yu Our newest band, Rags Allen (quartet), performed on Sunday, October 21, to a crowd of over 100 dancers. It was a real treat to have a new band perform. The singer was great as he sang in the voices of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and more big band era favorites. For those…

Looking for the fountain of youth?

d Seek no further… it’s on the dance floor. Besides being fun, dancing is an activity that offers many rewards to the participants. You can exercise without “working” out, improve your social life, increase flexibility and agility, strengthen your core muscles, improve your balance, develop more social poise and confidence, meet new friends, and… improve…

Line Dancing with Judee

  Judee Curtis When you have the “hiccups” and they stop, you are happy to have this inconvenience go away. When “critical life hiccups” happen and you can finally get back to a life that you can enjoy and be active, it is a “miracle!!” It’s a blessing to have the technology to “fix you,”…