Tag: Desert Artists Club

Meet two artists from Desert Artists’ Club

Kathleen Haswell

Kathleen Haswell is originally from London, England, but immigrated to Ontario, Canada in 1966. To escape the cold winters in Canada, she and her husband John looked at retirement homes and eventually purchased a house in 2003 in beautiful Sun Lakes. After retiring from work in 2000, Kathleen took painting lessons with her friends at…

Desert Artists Club plans ARTwalk

Marilyn Conner Wow! We’re excited! It’s almost here. The Desert Artists Club members are looking forward to Saturday, January 16 to see you all and share their creations at the Art Walk. The Desert Artists Club is planning an Art Walk for Saturday, January 16 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Sun Lakes Country Club in…

Featured Artist Duane Papke

Featured artist Duane Papke

Duane E. Papke I am a novice painter who took up painting again after 40 some years without a brush in my hand. I was invited to visit the Desert Artists Club and soon after joined our happy band of artists. Previously, I had two art classes in high school. Now I receive excellent advice…

Desert Artists Club featured artist

Eileen with her cat Bella

Marilyn Conner Eileen Schwartz moved to Cave Creek from New Jersey and then to Sun Lakes. In 2004, having never painted before, Eileen joined Desert Artists Club (DAC). She is an animal lover, especially cats. She paints flowers, animals and birds, but mostly cats. Having tried pastels and colored pencils, she sticks primarily to watercolor.…

Desert Artists Club

Enjoy the beautiful blooms this spring!

Marilyn Conner Hello Sun Lakers, well here we are in the middle of another fabulous spring. The weather is amazing. As you look around our community, you can’t help but notice the beauty. So much in bloom. It’s God’s art. We are still in full swing of creating these images and many other things when…

Desert Artist Club news – March 2015

The Desert Artist’s Club wishes to announce members Lynn Reinecker and Marilyn Conner will be the new team to submit columns for the Splash. The duo will be relieving Geri Hall who has graciously held this position for many years. Geri has done a great job keeping you up to date on our projects. It…