Tag: Desert Threads

‘String’ Quilt Made in One Afternoon

Sue Bart, Publicity Coordinator A few Desert Threads members made a quilt top for charity in one afternoon of sewing during October. Jody Edwards, community service coordinator, led the attendees in a sewing session to make a quilt top. Strips of various widths of fabric (called “strings”) were stitched on a base of batting to…

Desert Threads New ‘Opportunity Quilt’

Sue Bart Desert Threads, a Chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild, met in person on Sept. 8, at 9:30 a.m. in the Ceramics Room at Cottonwood Country Club. Vicki Watson presented information about the “One Block Wonder” style of quilts. A grand time was spent catching up after summer, and doing virtual meetings. A new fundraiser quilt was…

Desert Threads Quilters Begin a New Year

Sue Bart The new officers for Desert Threads are starting to make plans for the coming year (which runs until June 30, 2022). We invite anyone interested in quilts to come join our chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild (AQG) and express your desires for programs and classes. Our September meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 8,…

Desert Threads Has Outdoor Meeting

New officers are Marion Kersnick, Nancy Bonngard, Cindy Templeton, and Ann Wasescha (not pictured: Pat Sinclair and Mary Platt).

Sue Bart Desert Threads met outside on the patio by the Cottonwood Phoenix Room in May. This was our first in-person meeting in over a year. Members wore masks and were invited into the Phoenix Room to view our many quilts made for charity (delivered to UMOM on May 14). Our Opportunity Quilt was on display,…

Desert Threads Creates Quilts for Shelters

Blanca Sanchez and Jody Edwards hold a few of the colorful quilts made for children in area shelters.

Sue Bart Members of Desert Threads, a chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild, keep busy making children’s quilts for area shelters. Jody Edwards, Community Services chair, hosted a sort, cut, organize, and kit-making day at her home in Sun Lakes. We receive many wonderful donations of fabric that are turned into comforting quilts. Sue Bart made…

Quilters Build Community During the Pandemic

Officers elected March 2020 before lock-down orders: Blanca Sanchez, Diana Jones, Laurie Orendorff, Diane Mitchell, and Nancy Bonngard

Sue Bart Thanks to the undying efforts of the Desert Threads officers, the new quilt chapter (part of the Arizona Quilters Guild) has continued to function and add new members during our safer at home restrictions for in-person gatherings. Despite being less than three years old, we are building a community of friends. We have been…

Desert Threads Loses Founding Member

Glenna Reeves speaks about Desert Threads quilters.

Sue Bart Glenna Reeves, a very special founding member, passed away Jan. 18, 2021. Glenna helped start up Desert Threads, a chapter of Arizona Quilters Guild. She contributed in so many ways to make Desert Threads a success. She always welcomed everyone with a smile and kind words. Glenna obtained a major financial grant to…

Desert Threads Keeps up with Changes

Heidi Pridemore from the Whimsical Workshop presents to Desert Threads Quilters.

Diana Jones Recently, I was humming “Changes” by David Bowie from 1973. I pulled it up on my cell and listened. Sure makes me think about today’s times. Today I was asked, “Have you ever taken the time to look back on your life with observer eyes?” It reminds us that change is inevitable. It…

Desert Threads Have Been Busy

Diana Jones Desert Threads quilters may be quarantined, but their sewing machines are stitching faster than ever. A recent survey conducted by Arizona Quilters Guild asking how many and where personal protective equipment (PPE) equipment was made is proof that Desert Threads quilters are busy sewing. In early April, U.S. Vets requested at least 150…

Desert Threads Holds Successful Panel Discussion

Shar Schmutz explains decisions for long-arm quilting.

Sue Bart The January meeting of Desert Threads held an informative panel discussion led by members who do long-arm quilting. They explained how they work with clients, how to best prepare our quilt tops to be quilted, and answered many questions from members. They showed many quilts done with different styles and explained the complexities…