Tag: golf

Female Golf Instructor at IronOaks Country Club

Jan Roberts joined the staff at IronOaks on Jan. 11, 2023. Jan has over 25 years’ experience in the golf industry, including playing the game since age four. She is a former LPGA T&CP member and was a co-owner of a private golf group called Chicagoland Golf Club, Inc. Jan’s extensive instructor experience includes: *…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk Behind us is the cold, wind, and rain that kept us home some weeks during January. Now we are enjoying blue skies and fresh air as we putt. Mark your calendar! The spring luncheon is April 7 in the San Tan Ballroom in Cottonwood. Flyers with details will be with your flight leader…

PVLGA News and Results

Susan Lamb Now that the cold weather is almost history, we can relax and leave the blankets at home. Our Jan. 17 general meeting scramble had us dressed in our favorite football teams’ colors and shirts. Results from the Jan. 17 Super Bowl Scramble: 1st: Cindy Ryan, Lisa Mohoric, Denise Orthen, and Cathy Sullivan 2nd:…

MOGA News and Events

Home and Home with Sun Lakes: MOGA (Men’s Oakwood Golf Association) members Jim Ray and Rodger Brandt joined forces with Jim Tate and Tim Billman to narrowly win the MOGA/Sun Lakes Home and Home Tournament by one stroke. Congratulations! First-Place Winners in Their Flight: * Jan. 5, Oakwood Shootout: The Oakwood Shootout is a yearlong series…

CLGA Match Play Champion

Judy Onken Terry Gaube “outmatched” the field to become the 2023 Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA) Match Play Champion. This is one of Terry’s favorite formats, as each hole is a game in and of itself. You can have a snowman on a hole and come back and win the next one. It’s never over…


Ironwood Cup: After three days of play, the Ironwood Cup resulted in a one-hole playoff between Brian Thornton and Don Bartolo. Don was victorious. Congratulations! First-Place Winners in Their Flight: Jan. 17, Ironwood Cup, Round 1: Rus Rupiper, Ray Paiva, Randy Moe, Jonathan Russell, Rex Bunkley Jan. 24, Ironwood Cup, Round 2: Dan Muth, Wayne Karp,…

OLGA Results

Kathy Burns December was a busy, exciting month featuring the OLGA Cup, which was held on Dec. 6 and 13. It is the annual Low Net Tournament, and the overall winner was Dari Akin, followed by Leslie Smith, Glo Malmberg, and Mary Dyrseth. In Flight 2, Dang Teater was the winner, followed by Anne Annis…

CLGA Happenings

Judy Onken Neugier! This is the German word for “Attention,” the language we would all be speaking but for the brave and selfless American soldier who, with Allied support, won World War II. This is intended to call attention to a small change in the reporting format for our golf group, Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association.…

PVLGA Playday Results

Susan Lamb Hello 2023! The PVLGA is ready to get going with an exciting schedule of activities. We now have 21 new members. Four of our new members (Deb Salmonson, Melea Reese, Jan Kittle, and Kris Townsend) showed up to play on Jan. 10 in our Blind Partner game. Hopefully, you won some money with…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Sheila Barton The Sun Lakes Lady Niners finished 2022 in very good spirits. Everyone is looking forward to 2023 and playing a lot more, and a lot better golf. On Jan. 10 at their monthly meeting, the new officers for 2023 were announced, as well as the Club Champion and Presidents Cup. After the meeting,…