Janet Baron Get Ready! Ladies from Palo Verde and Cottonwood are again meeting to organize our annual cancer fundraiser to be held at Palo Verde Golf Club on November 17. In the past we have been extremely successful in raising an excessive amount of monies donated to the University Of Arizona Cancer Center. The men’s…
Tag: golf
Sports, October 2015
Oakwood Lady Niner gets a hole-in-one!
Ann Rounthwaite On October 20 Oakwood Lady Niners will get together for lunch at the Poolside Grill at 11:00 a.m. Reservations are required, so RSVP to Reggie Wegman not later than October 15. Golf course over-seeding and the return of the snowbirds make October a great time to join the Oakwood Lady Niners Golf Association.…
Sports, October 2015
History of Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association
Since its inception in 1980, the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association (CMGA) has stayed true to its founding purpose of promoting the interest of men’s golf and fostering sportsmanship among all members. In that time over 30 members have served as president of the association. These men are 1980 Frank Bartle, 1981 Caryle Emery, 1982 Jack…
Sports, October 2015
Ironwood Lady Niners summer players
Sports, October 2015
Sun Lakes Lady Putters
Susan Gottschalk Summer is over; it’s time to get back outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. The Sun Lakes Lady Putters are looking forward to the start of the 2014-15 season, our nineteenth year. This is a fun weekly event – and you don’t have to be a golfer to play nor commit to playing…
Sports, October 2015
SLLGA 18 Holers results
Nancy Field August 11, Team Play Nine Holes 1st place J.M., Nancy Field, Betty Reagan, Cheryl Reed; 2nd place Debra Emerick, Kelly Dennis, Cheryl Bunch, Jan Moore; 3rd place Pinky Kubiak, Dang Parker, Judi Kilgus, Nancy Anderson August 18, Best Nine Holes Flight 1, 1st place Bonnie Moore; 2nd place – tie – Dang Parker,…
Sports, October 2015
Palo Verde Men’s Golf Assoc. August 2015 results
Jim Davis We started the month with the first round of our annual Home & Home with Oakwood on August 8. As usual we all had a great time. On August 15 we played a two man team, blind draw, flighted format. The winning team in the first flight was Bob Rouleau and Cliff Joyes…
Sports, October 2015
Sun Lakes Niners welcome back brunch
Lady Niners, please mark your calendars as a reminder to attend the Welcome Back Brunch on Saturday, October 24 in the Navajo Room at 10:00 a.m. This event is to welcome those lady golfers returning from being gone during the summer, those who remained and survived the heat, dust and wind storms and those who…
Sports, October 2015
Cottonwood Men’s Golf Asso.
August 1: Ace of Aces qualifying: Flight 1 Gross 1st Grady Anderson; Flight 2 Gross 1st Tim Lamb, 2nd Dennis Bockelman; Flight 3 Gross 1st Jack Voight, 2nd Eric Selley; Flight 4 Gross 1st Bill Irwin, 2nd Arny Pinsley, 3rd Earl Whiteman Flight 1 Net 1st Larry Frink; Flight 2 Net Gary Hunnel, 2nd Chick…
Sports, October 2015
ILGA October news
Marcella Brown Slowly but surely Thursday league numbers are rising as members return from vacations or summers in cooler climates. Fall events are all in the planning stages. Member/Guest day is November 12. It is a 10:00 a.m. shotgun followed by lunch. With a theme of Wine-stone Cowgirl, let your imagination roll! See the website…