Tag: golf

Oakwood Lady Niners’ award luncheon recap

OLNGA Jo Williams Low Net Winners Tuny O’Rorke, Phyllis Madison (Champion), Sheila Bossio, Clarisse Zornes

Ann Rounthwaite In April the OLNGA combined golf with social events, offering something for everyone. April 7 brought a Pro’s Choice game on the Lakes course where scores were counted on only four holes. Flight 1: 1st Patty Partridge, 2nd Georgeann Bell, Suevonne Negaard and Helen Semple, 3rd Denise Fleshner, Pat Stead, M.J. Coking, Ila…

Men’s Oakwood Golf Association

Players enjoyed the Beat the Pro challenge on May 7.

Bob Greene, Publicity TJ is still looking for volunteers to assist at special events. If you can help please call TJ at 602-908-5406 or e-mail him at [email protected] for details. The summer golf maintenance schedule, May through October, is listed on the MOGA web page. Gentlemen, please help to take cate of the course by…

IWLN medallion winner

Lana Jonker (left) and Leta Polson.

Nancy Davis, Publicity IWLN Medallion winners: Our president, Jeanine Krause, hosted an absolutely wonderful and well-attended General Meeting and Brunch Awards Ceremony on April 8. Because the IWLN has so many amazing members, we have more ladies to acknowledge and congratulate from this meeting in this month’s edition. Nancy Heberling presented Medallion Medals to our…

Niners results – April 2015

Jim Wegman, Publicity The old song suggests that April showers bring May flowers; in our case, April brings the start of Arizona’s hot weather and the transition from spring to summer golf. Our winter visitors will soon be closing their homes and departing for cooler locales. Our Canadian friends will make the long trip up…

IMGA personality of the month

Joe Rizzi

John Concannon, Publicity My Personality of the Month this month is none other than Joe Rizzi, one of Ironwood’s marshals, a job that he has held for the last six years. I have to say that after interviewing Joe, I had to stop, take a breath and try to assimilate his past. Joe is a…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

Sun Lakes Lady Niners celebrated Rally for a Cure Day on April 14 honoring those women who have cancer or those who have survived cancer.

Verla Matuschka, Publicity Summer time and the activities slow but don’t stop! The Sun Lakes Lady Niners have no organized play from June 1-October 31. However, Niners meet early on Tuesday mornings and tee off in foursomes by 7:00 a.m. If you have any questions regarding summer play, please contact Phyllis Swanson at 480-883-3819. Also,…

Cottonwood Lady Niners name 2015 winners

Linda Sparks, left, and Pat Kivi display a colorful cake bidding farewell April 16 to Cottonwood’s Lady Niners’ snowbirds at the luncheon marking the end of the 2015 season. Sparks and Kivi co-chaired the event.

Lila Ritchie As Arizona’s first warm days of summer begin, Cottonwood’s Lady Niners say farewell as snowbirds flee to cooler climes. A luncheon on April 16 celebrated the end of another season and made plans for a new one as 2016 officers were seated. Lynn Tanner and Rachelle Wilson were named winners of the coveted…

Sun Lakes invitational Can-Am Golf Challenge

The Cam-Am participants

Ted laPlante On the weekend of March 21 and 22, eight couples competed in a first annual golf challenge on the Sun Lakes Country Club golf course. There were four couples representing the USA and four couples representing Canada in a two day event that was based on Ryder Cup format play. Couples representing the…

Pitch ‘N Putt Golf League “Kiss Breast Cancer Goodbye”

The Sun Lakes Ladies Pitch N’ Putt Golf League raised $500 for the fight against breast cancer.

Karen Fritschel, Publicity The Sun Lakes Ladies Pitch N’ Putt Golf League wound up its season with a luncheon on March 26. “Kiss Breast Cancer Goodbye” was the theme of the banquet. At the luncheon, the members raised $500 for the fight against breast cancer. Member Janice Cosgrove commented that the golf league “was a…