Tag: golf

Sun Lakes Niners news

Verla Matuschka, Publicity Welcome to our recent new members Debbie Beausejour, Ruth Gregg and Bernadette Haar. It is great to add new names to our membership list. We hope you enjoy playing with the Niners and participating in our social activities. If you have any questions, we have a great Big Sister who will provide…

Oakwood 9-hole Couples League

The Oakwood Nine Hole Couples League has as its motto: Fellowship, good food and drink and by the way golf. Our goal is to have a good time every other week. Our last event was Friday, January 30. Although our President invoked an executive order for the rain and cold to cease and desist, his…

Niners January 2015 results

Welcome to the New Year. The new golf clubs are still shiny and hold the promise of many pars and a few birdies this year. So, let’s tee it up and play ready golf in 2015. The Niners 2014 Championship Tournament was played on January 8 and 15. The playing conditions were chilly and breezy,…

2015 Match Play Championship

Pictured are most of the new members being welcomed at our Patio Party!

The following are winners of the 2015 Match Play Championship: Flight 1: 1st Mikki Rydell, 2nd Cathy Bass, 3rd Paddy Newton and Lori O’Neil; Flight 2: 1st Nancy Hermanson, 2nd Mary Lou Esget, 3rd Penny Hunter and Sandy Patton; Flight 3: 1st Donna Purcell, 2nd Joni Hiller, 3rd Terry Gaube and Gail Garvey; Flight 4:…

PVMGA December results

New officers of PVMGA for 2015 are President Bob Rouleau, Treasurer Adrian Barber, Vice President Butch Reber and Secretary Dick Nelsen

Jim Davis, Publicity Our December schedule, for this article, started on the 13th, which was a four man team, Two Net Best Balls format. The winning morning team with a 96 consisted of Arnie Bannerman, Jay Nelson, Gary Zahnow and Buster Crook. The winning afternoon team with a 101 was Ron Crabtree, Barry Mostovoy, Dave…

PVLGA news and views

The 2015 Executive Board pictured left to right are Secretary Susan Lamb, Treasurer Liz DeMichael, Vice President Cindy Bosch and President Carol Ruff.

Janet Baron, Publicity Chairman 12/02. December has rolled around again; how quickly the days fly by when you are having fun-in-the-sun. Ann Hammond’s team, Sharon Claude, Sharon Eisenzimmer and Beth Rodella were the 1st Flight winners in the 2 net BB’s game; In 2nd place the team of Pat Tjosvold, Jan Stewart, Nancy Gehlbach and…

Oakwood 18-hole Couples Golf – February 2015

Stephanie Higgins The league played a game called Christmas Presents on December 12 on the Sonoran/Palms courses. This is a 4-person team game. Results for Flight 1: 1st Kay and Jack Lehmkuhl, Sharon and Jim Laird, 2nd (tie) Carol and Darrell Wilcox, Judy Darnell and Barry Hansen, Paulette and Jerry Zuehlke, Liz and Harry Pritchard;…

Oakwood Lady Niners – February 2015

Oakwood Lady Niners’ Pairings Co-chair Sheila Bossio

Ann Rounthwaite For over a decade Sheila Bossio has shouldered the essential task of assigning pairings for the OLNGA’s weekly games. Sheila worked for 22 years as a real estate agent, during and after her husband’s 22 years of service in the U.S. Army. After moving to Sun Lakes from Olympia Washington in 2001, she…

SL Lady Putters results

Annie Hall, Lady Putter’s President, takes a few practice shots. Annie and husband Jack have lived in the Sun Lakes area for 19 years and live in Cottonwood. They are retired from the federal government and settled here from Macedonia, Ohio.

Susan Gottschalk The spring luncheon is coming soon in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood; watch for the date! Monday Flight: 12/15. Scramble – 1st Rose Hull, Pat Kruse and Carol Lorenz 12/22. Best Ball – (Tie) 1st Camille Jasien and Norma Marsh 12/29. Scramble – 1st Kathi Bobek, Colleen Foley and June Wagner 01/05.…

IMGA news and events – February 2015

The new IMGA Board

John Concannon, Publicity As predicted in last month’s issue, the new Board of Directors was elected unanimously by the general membership in mid-December. The new board consists of Vice President John Skoworn, President Bill Beltz, Treasurer Dan Jonker and Secretary Gene McIntyre. Based on the initial board meeting I attended, IMGA is in good hands…