Tag: golf

18 Oakwood Couples Golf results

The league played a 6-6-6 Scramble on April 11 on the Sonoran/Lakes courses; Flight A: 1st Paul and Barb Dinardo and Adrian and Joan Lauer, 2nd Gregg and Kathy Heinemann and John and Becky Kolb, 3rd Joe and Barb Denapoli and Rod and Sue Richmond; Flight B: 1st Al and Sharon Bowditch and Harry and…

PVLGA news and views – June 2014

Colleen Mitchell made a hole in one on April 15, 2014.

Janet Baron Publicity Chairman Match play was introduced this year; the second day of play took place on April 9, the third has yet to be completed. The Member/Guest was coordinated by Ann Hammond and her committee. The gift baskets were enticing and the raffle was a big success. The play was a little longer…

CLGA playday results

The Cottonwood women challenge Pro Shawn Decker for the best of 18 holes.

Janet E. Quade, Publicity April was an exciting month for the CLGA women, playing golf with a variety of formats. On April 3, the women invited a guest for special golf play with a luncheon. The following two weeks Cottonwood women participated in the Crossover with the women’s golf clubs from Ironwood, Palo Verde and…

SLCC Ladies 18 Holers

Barb Hansen serving Lynda Smith and Marci Koppelmaa.

Nancy Field We are very fortunate to have Barb Hanson as part of our golf league. She loves to bake and brings us a new homemade treat every week. Thank you Barb. 04/01. Three out of four Net Best Ball: 1st team of Kelly Dennis, Pinky Kubiak, Faye Belt and Goldie Herberg (163), 2nd (tie)…

ASAS tournament results

Service dog “Kaelee” 2010(C) James Falsken

Nancy Davis, Publicity On April 14 the Ocotillo Golf Resort hosted the second Annual Charity Golf Tournament to benefit the American Service Animal Society (ASAS). Gerad and Debbie Claseman, Founders of ASAS, thank all the golfers who participated in the tournament; special thanks to photographer James Falsken who, with his service dog Kaelee, beautifully captured…

CWPV employees enjoy appreciation picnic

Everyone had a great time at the eighth annual Appreciation Picnic for the golf and common area workers of Palo Verde and Cottonwood!

Thanks to the generous contributions from the Cottonwood/Palo Verde community and others, the eighth annual Appreciation Picnic for the golf and common area workers was a huge success. The picnic was held at Sisk Park to show our gratitude to the crews who constantly groom and repair the golf course and common areas for the…

San Tan Crown Rotary awards raffle winner

George was awarded his prize by Jennifer (left) and Amanda (right) from Par-Tee Time Golf Carts of Sun Lakes who provided the cart for this year’s raffle.

Tom Adamson Congratulations to Sun Lakes resident George Polusny, this year’s grand prize winner of the golf cart raffle by San Tan Crown Rotary Club as part of their Second Annual Spring Swing Raffle! The remaining prize winners are listed on the club’s website at santancrownrotaryclub.com. San Tan Crown Rotary Club would like to thank…