Tag: golf

September CLGA news

Cottonwood ladies enjoying the Cottonwood Country Club!

Mary Nelson On August 11 the CLGA event was the Orange Ball team event. In Orange Ball, golfers play in groups. Of the golf balls the team members are playing, one of them is designated orange. That orange ball rotates among the team members, changing after each hole. For example, on the first hole Player…

Men’s Niners August results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Once again I must report the loss of former league members. Our friend Jim Liddiard passed away on August 11 at his home in Utah. Jim loved skiing and golf and excelled at both sports. He was a soft spoken gentleman of the old school. To Jim’s wife Mary Lynn and the…

Cottonwood Lady Niners look forward to new season

Sharon Howard

Diana De Pree Get ready – to polish your shoes and get your golf clubs cleaned. It is time to see your old friends and make new friends in the Cottonwood Lady Niners Golf Club. The Cottonwood Lady Niners has roughly 80 active members and we meet every Thursday afternoon around 12:30 p.m. for a…

Join Oakwood Nine Hole Couples League

Oakwood Nine Holes Couples League starts on November 11 at 2:00 p.m. It is a unique time to experience noncompetitive golf and to meet new people. The emphasis is on FUN not scores. This bi-monthly Friday afternoon league meets through the first week in May. Golf is followed by dinner and lively conversation at the…

ILGA September news

Marcella Brown Whatever your golf level happens to be, there are milestones that each of us achieves, and is justifiably proud of. Why would we otherwise, continue playing this challenging game? One such milestone was recently achieved by Linda Talley, who shot two birdies in one game. In the heat, it might be added! Monsoons…

OLGA news and play day results

Pictured left to right are Eleanor Hinerichsen, Glo Malmberg and Barbara DeNapoli with big smiles prior to play. Note the cool apparel!

Ruth Rees, Publicity The Oakwood Ladies Golf Association continues its weekly play, hot weather or not. Some rounds are great, and others are in need of help, such as happened with Christmas in July. Our participation numbers are down due to our many winter visitors being home, but many of us for whom Sun Lakes…

CLGA news and play day winners

O.N.E.S. winners Nancy Gahn and Mary Nelson (not shown).

Mary Nelson On July 14 the CLGA event was a Four Person Team Scramble with a minimum of two drives each person and a maximum of eight drives per person. This was a close match with less than one stroke separating the 1st place team from the 3rd place team. The 1st place team with…

SLLGA 18 Holers results

Cheryl Bunch and Mary Oester keeping things quiet on the golf course.

Nancy Field T and F Holes – Flight 1: 1st Jan Fletcher, 2nd (tie) Betty Ulrich, Debra Emerick and Terri Mandt, 3rd Dang Parker; Flight 2: 1st Nancy Field, 2nd Pearl Martin, 3rd (tie) Julie Hamlin and Kelly Dennis; Flight 3: 1st J.M., 2nd Pat Benson, 3rd (tie) Betty Peer and Curly Ferris Scramble –…