Tag: golf

SLLGA 18 Holers results

Nancy Field Congratulations to the Women Derby Winners: 1st Nicole Wadley, 2nd Cheryl Reed, and 3rd Karen Brown. 2/23. Wet Holes-Low Net – Flight 1: 1st Moe Schoenwalder, 2nd Lynda Smith, 3rd Cheryl Reed; Flight 2: 1st (tie) Debbie Loch and Joyce Switzky, 2nd (tie) Mary Billideau and Shirley Brenner, 3rd Anne Carlson; Flight 3:…

PVLGA news and views

PVLGA wins 2016 Traveling Team Trophy. Back row: Nancy Howell, Carol Ruff, Carole Guild and Paddy Newton. Front row: Rose Hames, Cindy Bosch, Colleen Mitchell and Jo Crook. Missing is Bonnie Moore.

Janet Baron, Publicity Chairman To keep up with the rotation of the sun we enjoyed an extra Monday this month; happens every 823 years, five Mondays and not the usual four. Leap year also contributed to this unusual happening. 2/09. The President’s Cup participants were geared to play their best and obtain a winning score.…

PVMGA February results

Palo Verde 2016 men’s club championship winners (pictured from left) are Jerry Davis, Club Champion; Mike Lorimer, runner-up; Dick Martin, Masters Champion; Dan Bottiglieri and Richard Koon, Flight winners

Bob Armstrong, Publicity Temperatures are up, the sun is shining and our joints are aching a little less! There are reasons we choose to live in the desert! Our February report starts with the Sweetheart Tournament held the day before Valentine’s Day. The winning foursome, by a large margin, included Jack Hill, Barb Hill, Roger…

Niners results February 2016

Jim Wegman, Publicity February got off to a cold and windy start but thankfully it warmed up as the month progressed making our 8:30 Shotgun starts a little more comfortable. Winners: 2/04. One Gross One Net Lakes – 1st Larry Johnson, Greg Sutton, Jordy Primack and Tom Thibodeau, 2nd Bob Hiller, Bill Lacey, Mike Stegina…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Lady Putters waiting for their game to begin are (left to right) Elaine Greer, Sharon Gouthro, Mary Lou Murdock and Pat Kruse

Susan Gottschalk The spring luncheon will be Friday, April 1 in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Monday Flight 2/08. Best Ball: (Tie) Colleen Foley, Linda Meylink and Susan Powell 2/15. Best Ball: Carol Lorenz 2/22. (Tie) Linda Dickerson, Norma Marsh, Mary Lou Murdock and Kathi Bobek, Colleen Foley, Helen Richardson 2/29. (Tie) Sue Core,…

IMGA personality of the month: Jack Holder

Jack Holder

John Concannon The April Personality of the Month is long time resident of Sun Lakes, Jack Holder. Jack was born in Gunter, TX, a small town 35 miles from Dallas. His family moved to Profitt Community, a small farming community 56 miles south of Wichita Falls. Jack attended New Castle High School where he played…

Men’s Oakwood Golf Association

Peter Yoon

Bob Greene, Publicity There are two champions to congratulate in this MOGA April report: Rick Stephens for winning the President’s Cup in February and Peter Yoon for winning the Club Championship two years in a row on March 10. Rick shot a net score of 185 after three rounds; 58, 63 and 64. He has…

Cottonwood Lady Niners enjoy busy February

Cottonwood’s Lady Niners Valentine’s luncheon guest speaker was Troy Maloney, Chief of the Sun Lakes Fire District, chosen to benefit from the group’s annual Member-Guest Tournament March 10. From left, Barb Schmoekel and Dixie McQuaid, Member-Guest co-chairs, Chief Maloney and Bette Lu Buchanan, President.

Lila Ritchie February was spelled B-U-S-Y for Cottonwood’s Lady Niners with the annual Eclectic competition, a Valentine’s luncheon and wrapping up plans for the March 10 Member-Guest Tournament. A full field of 120 members and guests are golfing in the nine-hole event which benefits the Sun Lakes Fire District. Chief Troy Maloney, guest speaker at…

CMGA posts playday results

Club Champion Mark Higgs

Results of recent events: 2/06. Morning – Two Man Best Ball: Flight 1: 1st Bob Schaedel and Jack Hill also Walt Nowicki and Terry Olson, 3rd Larry Mullins and Paul Homan; Flight 2: 1st Morrie Anderson and Tim Lamb, 2nd Hank Clausen and Dave Marcus, 3rd Ralph Annen and Tony Arrigo 2/06. Afternoon – President’s…

OLGA weekly tournament

Ruth Rees, Publicity OLGA members continue to play weekly golf during this beautiful winter season, while friends and relatives living elsewhere hear about our weekly golf events with envy. Then, the phone rings, and here they come to join us! 2/07. The game was Three Blind Holes – Flight 1: 1st Dari Akin, 2nd Sharon…