Tag: golf

IMGA news and events

TJ Jones accepting Ryder Cup Trophy

John Concannon, Publicity The initial Ryder Cup event was completed in November and I have yet to hear a negative comment about it. Almost to the man, the players that I talked to about the event had a grand time. The format and the playing at two different courses really made the event the success…

MOGA news and scores

John Kolb

Bob Greene, Publicity We are pleased to report another MOGA member recorded his third hole in one. It happened to John Kolb on the third hole of the Sonoran on Thursday, November 12. He was playing with Pat Scinto and Dennis Schepp. They lost sight of the shot but knew it was headed for the…

Cottonwood Lady Niners plan for golf, fun and charity

Cottonwood’s Lady Niners officers for 2015-16 are from left Treasurer Lynn Tanner, President Bette Lu Buchanan; Secretary Cathy Kinnick; and Vice President Dixie McQuaid.

Lila Ritchie Lots of golf, fun and charity fill this year’s schedule of Cottonwood’s Lady Niners with President Bette Lu Buchanan announcing the upcoming activities. In addition to weekly golfing events, the Lady Niners will host its annual Member-Guest Tournament on Thursday, March 10, which will include a luncheon, prizes and fun golf activities. A…

IWLN 2016 Executive Board

Pictured (seated left to right) Denise Fleshner and Susan Meer; (standing left to right) Linda Liberti and Marcia Gaudioso

Nancy Davis, Publicity Happy New Year and welcome back holiday travelers! We just want you all to know that since you couldn’t be here in Sun Lakes during the holidays, we all enjoyed golf and our gorgeous Chamber of Commerce holiday weather for you! 2016 Executive Board: The 2016 Executive Board was installed at our…

Because of you

Janet Baron, Publicity Chairman Because of you, the annual Palo Verde Cottonwood Golf for Life cancer fundraiser held on November 17 was the most successful event. Because of you, Linda Grendahl (our chair), Nancy Howell for her organization of the Cottonwood ladies, all participants, players, committees, donors, Palo Verde Men’s League, and last but not…

Oakwood Lady Niners welcome new executive

Pictured (left to right) 2016 OLNGA Treasurer Rachel Enloe, Secretary Julia Collier, Vice President Margaret Johns and President Barbara Stewart

Ann Rounthwaite The ranks of the Oakwood Lady Niners Golf Association have swelled this fall with several new members joining us to play nine holes on Tuesday mornings in a friendly, supportive environment, and to socialize at casual lunches or organized luncheons afterwards. While some Lady Niners play just for fun, others compete to represent…

Oakwood 18 Hole Couples golf

Stephanie Higgins November 13 was the first event of the season for the league; we played a Four Ball Scramble. The results: 1st Barb and Paul Dinardo, Joan and John Triplett, 2nd Lorraine and Don Blair, Janet and Paul Beeks, 3rd Debbie and Larry Horner and Jan and Mike Skibo. KP Palms No. 4 John…

CMGA posts recent scores

Results of recent events: 11/07. Morning and afternoon Ace of Aces qualifier – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Jack Goyer, 2nd Ed Frees and Jay Mays; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Dennis Bockelman, 2nd Bob Schaedel, 3rd Gary Whiting and Gerry Rooney; Flight 3 Gross: 1st Ron Sarnicki, 2nd Don Klein and Rick Nelson; Flight 4 Gross:…

ILGA December newsletter

Judi Sloan receives her Hole-in-One winnings from President Karen Beltz

Marcella Brown We are off to an eventful golf season at Ironwood! In October we broke all records with three ladies having holes-in- one. Judi Sloan had one on Hole No. 4 on October 22 and repeated it on November 1 on the same hole! On October 29 both Barbara Collier, on Hole No. 6…

OLGA 18 news and scores

Iris Pattie, Jan Skibo, Doris Swanson and Julie Hastings

Ruth Rees, Publicity OLGA had a gorgeous day to play the first weekly event after over seeding on Tuesday, November 3. A 10:00 a.m. shotgun was followed by snacks and beverages. There was lots of happy chatter as year-rounders welcomed back winter visitors who have returned for the best seasons in Sun Lakes. Winners of…