Judy Onken We’re back! Bill Todd and his crew have our courses overseeded and in beautiful condition for our golfing pleasure once again. Those of us who are wimps and can’t stand up to the summer heat are thrilled to be back in the friendly confines of the Sun Lakes community. Our November luncheon was…
Tag: golf
Sports, December 2015
IMGA news and events
John Concannon, Publicity The summer heat is gone, the golf course has been overseeded and the cart path only restriction has ended, so welcome to another fine season of golf at Ironwood Golf Club. Joe Mandour, our Grounds and Greens Chairman, indicates that the course, with a few minor exceptions, is in wonderful shape. By…
Sports, December 2015
CMGA Tournament results
Results of recent tournaments: October 3 – Cottonwood Palo Verde Beat the Pro/Super October 5-18 – Driving range closed October 12-November 2 – Cottonwood closed Upcoming Events: December 3 and December 5 – Home and Home with Leisure World December 12 – Ace of Aces Qualifier December 19 – Cha Cha Cha December 26 –…
Sports, December 2015
ILGA Membership Drive
Susan Utzinger The Ironwood Ladies’ Golf Association (18 hole league) will hold its annual membership drive on Thursday, December 10. Ladies who are seriously considering joining a golf league are most welcome to join us for a round of golf that day. Green fees are complimentary and you will be paired with other ILGA members.…
Sports, December 2015
Sun Lakes Lady Niners news
Verla Matuschka The year is coming to an end much too soon and festivities begin with parties, Christmas programs, concerts and activities. So, take a deep breath and enjoy the season! The Niners will start the month with a Christmas party December 5 with a social hour beginning at 5:00 p.m. followed by dinner at…
Sports, December 2015
Oakwood Couples 9 Hole League welcomes new members
Louis Giallonardo Are you looking for an activity that both you and your spouse/significant other can enjoy together? How about joining a group of fun loving Sun Lakers every other Friday this winter playing the great game of golf? I know, golf can be frustrating and embarrassing at times and you don’t normally play in…
Clubs & Classes, December 2015
Don’t Miss The Annual Christmas Golf Cart Parade and Show

Friday, December 4 marks the date for our annual Christmas Golf Cart Parade and Show. We’ll meet at Palo Verde at 5:00 p.m. for free hot turkey soup, judging of the golf carts, Christmas carols with Ron and Maddy and especially Santa and all his helpers. Make sure you bring your cameras. Then our wonderful…
Sports, December 2015
MOGA news

Bob Greene, Publicity The officers and committee members of MOGA would like to extend to everyone the Blessings of the Season and wish you all a very Happy 2016; and great golf all year long! For all the happenings in MOGA, throughout the year, be sure to go to www.mogagolf.com. We are pleased to report…
Sports, December 2015
Sports, December 2015
Niners results – October 2015
Jim Wegman, Publicity The 2015-2016 season is underway and the pairings lists are growing longer each week. As more members return to play, the pace of play becomes more important. Let’s all help to keep the game moving along. As Lee Trevino said “let’s hit and git!” Membership: Our league is growing again. We are…