Tag: golf

ILGA Membership Drive

Susan Utzinger The Ironwood Ladies’ Golf Association (18 hole league) will hold its annual membership drive on Thursday, December 10. Ladies who are seriously considering joining a golf league are most welcome to join us for a round of golf that day. Green fees are complimentary and you will be paired with other ILGA members.…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

Verla Matuschka The year is coming to an end much too soon and festivities begin with parties, Christmas programs, concerts and activities. So, take a deep breath and enjoy the season! The Niners will start the month with a Christmas party December 5 with a social hour beginning at 5:00 p.m. followed by dinner at…

Oakwood Couples 9 Hole League welcomes new members

Louis Giallonardo Are you looking for an activity that both you and your spouse/significant other can enjoy together? How about joining a group of fun loving Sun Lakers every other Friday this winter playing the great game of golf? I know, golf can be frustrating and embarrassing at times and you don’t normally play in…

MOGA news

Lloyd Schaffer (left) congratulates John Gaudioso

Bob Greene, Publicity The officers and committee members of MOGA would like to extend to everyone the Blessings of the Season and wish you all a very Happy 2016; and great golf all year long! For all the happenings in MOGA, throughout the year, be sure to go to www.mogagolf.com. We are pleased to report…


Did you hear all the whooping and hollering at Ironwood the other day? Terry Clark got her second hole-in-one on Monday, October 26. She was on hole no. 10 at Ironwood – a 76 yard distance – and used her pitching wedge to hit the perfect shot. Her first ace was it the same golf…

Niners results – October 2015

Jim Wegman, Publicity The 2015-2016 season is underway and the pairings lists are growing longer each week. As more members return to play, the pace of play becomes more important. Let’s all help to keep the game moving along. As Lee Trevino said “let’s hit and git!” Membership: Our league is growing again. We are…

PVMGA October results and upcoming events

Jim Davis, Publicity October was a short month for golf. Both courses were closed for overseeding for three weeks. The first course to reopen was Palo Verde Country Club on October 31. On that day we had a joint Scramble Tournament with Cottonwood for Beat the Pros/Superintendents. There were only four teams comprised of both…

SLLGA 18 Holers results

The 18 Holers traveling team from left to right: Karla Carrillo, Mary Oester, Cheryl Reed, Moe Schoenwalder, Nicole Wadley and Marci Koppelmaa

Nancy Field 11/03. Low Gross – Flight 1: 1st Debra Emerick, 2nd Dang Parker, 3rd Nicole Wadley; Flight 2: 1st Audrey Rich, 2nd Debbi Ebel, 3rd Nancy Field; Flight 3: 1st (tie) Jeanne Nelson and Pearl Martin, 2nd Carolyn Luna and Diane Gross, 3rd (tie) Diane Gordon and Judi Kilgus; Flight 4: 1st Debbie Martin,…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Lady Putters welcome new members on the Monday Flight; pictured left to right are Elaine Dover, Lil Abild, Jackie Morgan, Dolly Bruns, Karen Rosenquist, Linda Boyd and Marilyn Kalenuis

Susan Gottschalk The Christmas lunch will be held on December 4 in the Cottonwood Ballroom. We’ll have an open seating concept giving everyone an opportunity to meet other Lady Putters. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. and our usual raffle will be held. Monday Flight: 10/26. (Tie) Linda Boyd, Sharon Darnell, Annie Hall, and Susan Gottschalk,…