Tag: Hiking Club

Hiking Club is in Full Swing

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club It’s February, and there is a lot going on with the club. Hikes are in full swing. Despite the parched landscape, I’ve seen quite a lot of beautiful hiking pictures on our website. We hope for rain so that the desert landscape can turn green and be the amazing…

Is Hiking for You?

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club I once asked a fellow hiker why he decided to join the Hiking Club. He said the answer was simple. His wife looked at him one day and said, “Get off that damn couch and do something.” So, he paged through the Splash and decided hiking would be his…

Hikers Welcome Cooler Weather

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club November was the start of our hiking season, and you could feel the enthusiasm in the air both at our Welcome Back picnic and on the trails. The weather turned cooler, and our club members were ready to hike! We had an excellent turnout at our Welcome Back picnic.…

Join Us for Adventure

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club Looking for adventure beyond the borders of Sun Lakes and SunBird? Like the idea of hiking with others? Come join the Sun Lakes Hiking Club. We are a friendly, inclusive group that welcomes all able-bodied hiking enthusiasts! Our club’s goal is to make group hiking fun, challenging, social, and…

Hiking Club Open House Dates

Warren Wasescha Interested in social hiking? Come learn about the Sun Lakes Hiking Club. We hike all the beautiful trails across the Valley. You’ll experience great scenery and vistas from all different vantage points, and you’ll have a good time socializing with other members of the club while on our hikes. We have three upcoming…

Changing Up Your Hiking Game

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club Sometimes change is good, especially when it’s 115 degrees outside. Recently, a few Sun Lakes Hiking Club members traveled to the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson to cool off in an Aspen forest at 8,000 feet to enjoy the smell of wild mint and the sight of wild…

Like to Hike?

Warren Wasescha The incredible beauty of hiking trails in this part of the world is incomparable to many other places. Over the years, it has been a joy to have experienced so much beauty hiking with the Sun Lakes Hiking Club. An electronic picture frame on my desk reminds me every day of some of…

Summer Hiking at Its Best

Warren Wasescha For club hikers who spend summers in places like Colorado or Washington State, you’ve got a pretty good thing going with hiking in cooler weather. If you’re in Sun Lakes in July, hiking can be a bit more challenging due to the heat but just as enjoyable with a bit of planning. Many…

What a Hiking Season It Was!

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club The club organized over 85 hikes this season with over 1,000 sign-ups for those hikes. Top hikers were Ed Molieri who logged 29 hikes, Tracy Nilsen with 25 hikes, and Jim Bauer with 14 hikes. It goes without saying that hiking is addictive! In my eight-plus years of hiking…

We Love Our Volunteers

Warren Wasescha, Sun Lakes Hiking Club Volunteers make the difference. To make a good club experience, you need the right combination of dedicated individuals willing to put their good talents to work for the betterment of the club. For the Sun Lakes Hiking Club, we’ve benefited from years of talented individuals stepping up and defining…