Tag: Meetings

Computer Booters News

Helen Seaton The Computer Booters Club will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 1 p.m. in the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, at 25630 S. Brentwood Drive, in Sun Lakes. Rob Truman will give a presentation on “Online (Cloud) Storage; What Is It, and Should I Use It?” File syncing and storage services provide seamless access…

Cheers Singles Group

Cheers is a social club open to members from Sun Lakes, Springfield, SunBird, and Solera communities. Our current 228 members invite you to become a part of the Cheers family, whether you are a year-round or a seasonal resident. The club offers many activities and programs, including social time, wine tasting, dining out, book club,…

Korean War Veterans

Rich Volpe, Chapter Commander Our organization would like to extend our appreciation for all the support you provided over the past year, and we’re looking forward to a fresh new start as we approach new challenges in the year ahead. Things are getting back to normal, and our meeting schedule has been firmed up. Meetings…

Agave Quilt Guild

Mary La Tourelle The Agave Quilt Guild offers a “share table” during our monthly meetings, loaded with patterns, fabric, notions, and more, and last spring several members uncovered a treasure—a bag with 17 beautifully pieced blocks, the pattern book by Rosemary Makhan, and some of the original fabric. Called the “Bible Quilt,” it had passed…

Looking Forward to a Healthy New Year

Harry Huckemeyer The Short Line Model Railroad Club is returning for another year of fun and excitement as we start the process of finalizing plans as we look ahead into the future. We always welcome new opportunities to participate in upcoming new events that pop up, and we look forward to the several that have…

Republican Club to Meet February 14

Carolyn McCorkle The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature “The State of Our State” with keynote speaker AZ State Senator JD Mesnard at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the Navajo Room of Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., in Sun Lakes. The public is invited. Please…

Marvelous Mah Jongg

Linda Liberti Marvelous Mah Jongg is similar to regular American Mah Jongg and requires a separate card. The rules and some of the categories are the same, even and odd numbers, 369, consecutive runs, and quints. The differences? Words can be spelled, such as JAC A LLL O PPP EEE (jackalope)—J is a joker, A…

Grief Recovery and Support

Rev. Judy Wismar Claycomb “Through Loss to Life” is an eight-week series for grief recovery and support offered by Sun Lakes United Methodist Church (9248 E. Riggs Road) on Tuesday afternoons, beginning March 12, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Associate Pastor Judy Wismar Claycomb will facilitate the classes, which will meet in Room 4 of…

Cheers Social Group Activities

Cheers Trip Opportunities: The State Department has indicated that the length of time to renew or get a new passport has decreased; however, processing still may take several months. Check the expiration date on your passport and other documents. Most countries require your passport at the end of your trip to have at least six months…

Desert Artists Club Winter Social

Sue Sindelar Winter has given us quite a mix of weather this season and also time together to appreciate our diverse group of artists. We gathered for one of our social times and shared our art, which always brings out the fun and talents of our members, and, of course, some delicious treats were enjoyed…