Unit 11 Upcoming HOA Board Meeting The Unit 11 monthly HOA board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 4 p.m. in the Computer Learning Center, Meeting Room 1, at the Cottonwood clubhouse. All homeowners are welcome to attend. Unit 19 Meetings To all Unit 19 townhome owners: Unit 19’s monthly meetings will…
Tag: Meetings
January 2024, Religion
Unity: It’s a New Year!

Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a Spiritual community. We gather together to celebrate Peace, Joy, Love, and Healing. We follow the teachings of Jesus and other wise Spiritual Masters. We study and practice Unity Principles and support each other in living our best Spirit-centered life. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin is our minister, and…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Korean War Veterans
Rich Volpe, Chapter Commander Our organization would like to extend our appreciation for all the support you all provided over the past year, and we’re looking forward to a fresh new start as we enter into the 2024 new era. After coming off a challenging year, things are getting back to normal, and our meeting…
Clubs & Classes, January 2024
Italian-American Club Update

Steve Ambroso Felice anno nuovo! (Happy New Year!) The Sun Lakes Italian-American Club (SLIAC) had a festive start to the holidays on Dec. 7 with a live opera recital by members of the Arizona Opera Company. A baritone, mezzo-soprano, and pianist put on an awesome recital of Italian opera and holiday music. A raffle followed…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
Garden Club News

The speaker at the Jan. 16 Sun Lakes Garden Club meeting will be Steve Sheard, Master Rosarian. He attended the world-famous Chelsea Flower Show in London in the spring. It’s been held each year since 1913. He’ll take the members on a photographic tour and share his insights into this international show. Steve is a…
January 2024, Clubs & Classes
French Conversation Group Welcomes New Members
Did you once speak French but are a little out of practice? Are you a French speaker looking for fellowship and fun? We gather weekly for a casual and lively meet-up with other like-minded French language lovers. Be you a native speaker or one with some proficiency, call Marilyn Marschel at 843-230-6458 or email her at…