Tag: veterans

Korean War Veterans news – September 2014

The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, September 23 in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 am. Our guest speaker will be Major General Carl G. Schneider. General Schneider will talk about experiences he had in flying 100 combat missions in F-80 jet…

VFW needs your participation

VFW Bingo Manager Elliott Bond, Kerry Schuster, and Neal Peer, Commander VFW Post 8053

Cheri Almond Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8053 Bingo remains the center for community support to our veterans and their families. Playing in VFW’s weekly game raises funds for the Post’s veteran support programs. The game also enables the sharing of unique local projects that will support veterans’ urgent needs. Kerry Schuster is an energetic…

VFW Post 8053 newly elected leadership

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8053 elected its new leadership for fiscal year 2015. These officers will continue the Post’s excellent support of the VFW mission of service to our men and women veterans and their families as well as promoting patriotism and democracy education within our community. Elected: Commander Neal E. Peer Senior…

East Valley Marines Golf for Wounded Warriors

Sgt. Bruce participates in the East Valley Marines Golf Tournament

Denise Landers Lott Golf Tournament The East Valley Marines, Detachment 1296, staged their Inaugural Golf Tournament at Bear Creek Country Club with all net proceeds going to our Arizona Wounded Warriors. Working with Master Sergeant Salvador Marquez, USMC, who is the District Injured Support Coordinator for the Wounded Warrior Regiment, VISN 18 (AZ/NM), the detachment…

Veterans’ Voice – June 2014

Art Sloane All veterans are invited to a Town Hall meeting with the six leading candidates for governor from 10:00-noon on June 7 at the Burton Barr Library in Phoenix. The auditorium holds 250 and we want these candidates to realize there are 600,000 plus veterans in this state that they must listen to. Brahm…

Jewish War Veterans notice – June 2014

Dedicating the new golf cart at the Southeast Clinic of the VA in Gilbert are (right to left) Art Sharff and Eliott Reiss with small bottle of champagne along with other veterans.

Post 619 Jewish War Veterans in Sun Lakes will meet in the Mirror Room of Sun Lakes Country Club at 9:30 a.m. June 15. The speakers will be Gail Cantor, Jack Dante, Elliot Reiss, Joel Goldman and Art Sloane. The post has been very busy. Several members attended the dedication of the new Southeast Clinic…

Korean War Veterans news – June 2014

Billy Walker flies a WWII Boeing model 75 Stearman. He will be the guest speaker at the June 24 meeting of the Korean War Veteran’s Association.

The Korean War Veteran Association is open to all who served in Korea at any time. We are an association of veterans who want to help all veterans that find themselves in need. Whether hospitalized or homeless, we want to be there for them. We meet the fourth Tuesday of each month, except July and…