Roman Martin We’re back! We have returned for another chance to Remember, Honor and Teach. The Chandler Elks Lodge #2429, in partnership with The Exchange Club of Chandler and Wreaths Across America, will once again be placing memorial wreaths on the graves of those people who have served in the Armed Forces of the…
Tag: veterans
Generals, September 2018
You are invited! Marine Corps Birthday Ball

Denise Lott Veteran’s Day and the birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps are approaching in November. In keeping with tradition, our East Valley Marine Corps League’s Sun Lakes Detachment 1296 is hosting its annual Birthday Ball. The Ball will be on Saturday, November 10, at the Oakwood Country Club. The public is invited to enjoy…
Clubs & Classes, September 2018
Veterans – mark your calendars
Stacy Sweet The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, September 25, in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. KWVA is proud to present a representative from the Mesa Veterans Resource Center. Mesa Veterans Resource Center provides a centralized location in Mesa…
Generals, August 2018
Purple Heart Day – August 7
Matt Niesz On Friday, March 16, 2018, Governor Ducey signed Senate Bill 1089 – Purp1e Heart Day, sponsored by Senator Sonny Borrelli, R-Dist. 5. The legislation recognizes August 7 as “Purple Heart Day” in Arizona. It was on August 7, 1782, at his headquarters in Newburgh, New York, that General George Washington, the Commander…
Generals, July 2018
Ways to honor a veteran
Karen Shaffer 1. Attend events, such as the Memorial Day Service held annually at the Flag Pole Pavilion near the SLCC. Hear the tributes to our veterans and stories from veterans, such as Arden Rowley, former POW during the Korean War. 2. Donate to the Poppy Drive held each year to fund services for…
Clubs & Classes, June 2018
Congressional Honor for JWV Copper State Post 619

Ronald Buckner At the March meeting of the JWV Copper State Post 619, Past Commander Ronald Buckner was honored as Person of the Year. As part of the ceremony in April, he presented a certificate and a very special flag. When Past Commander’s son Jeffrey, currently in the Senior Executive Service for the Social…
Clubs & Classes, June 2018
Sun Lakes VFW Post 8053 Auxiliary

Karen Shaffer Who are we? What do we do? We are the nation’s oldest veteran’s service organization auxiliary. For more than 100 years, we have been serving veterans, the military and their families in countless ways. Millions of hours, millions of dollars and millions of tributes. This is who we are. To learn more…
Clubs & Classes, April 2018
Retired Navy pilot to speak at Aero Club gathering April 19

Gary Vacin A retired Navy fighter pilot who logged over 7,000 flying hours during the Vietnam conflict will be guest speaker at the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering Monday, April 19, at the Sun Lakes Country Club Navajo Room. The event begins with coffee and camaraderie at 6:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at…
Generals, December 2017
Cottonwood Palo Verde’s Veterans Day celebration

Linda Caton At our special Veteran’s Day Celebration this year, the East Valley Young Marines presented the colors along with a Flag folding demonstration. After this very touching moment, the flag was then presented to the oldest veteran in the audience, Mr. Louis Verrochi (94 years young!). Thank you to all who attended and those…
Generals, December 2017
Wreaths Across America
Roman and Nancy Martin As we write this, we are in the waning days of procuring sponsorships for this program for 2017. We are now preparing to place our wreaths on the grave sites of the veterans in Valley of the Sun Cemetery on Chandler Heights Road. We will honor and respect those veterans in…